Chapter 35

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"Evening." Greeted my driver. He arrived an hour after twilight and I had not even gotten ready yet. Not by a long shot.

I wanted to take a shower before I left but the thing was,I did not bring with,many cloths. So I packed myself a new underwear and my toothbrush and left. Still not having changed. Funny thing was when I arrived to the car,I got a call from Nick telling me to bring all my stuff. I would be staying with him,for the rest of the trip.

I had to return into to the elevator,then my room,to get the rest of my stuff and return the key card. Only then did we leave,but our stop was not exactly where I thought it was. We parked infrobt of a liqueur store.

"I hope you don't mind,Sir,had asked me to stop by at a liquor store." I smiled at him genuinely and said," No,I don't mind. You may go." He went out and came back minutes later with a bottle of a very expensive red wine.

"What is that for? Is he celebrating something?" I asked leaning in a little to get closer to him,since I was at the back seat. "He didn't say and I don't question him." That's a new one,I scoffed to myself. "Are you telling me that you are never curious as to what he does?" At that moment,I was on the edge of my seat. Not because of the suspense but because I could not hear him clearly. "No,I don't. He only tells us what we need to know not what we want to know." I leaned back into the seat. That made sense,in a way.

"So you get curious?" I asked and he kept quiet. "Was that all?" I asked,pointing at the noodle in the seat next to him. "Yes,ma'am." He said,shifting the gears of the car. The rest of the drive was quiet,drop-dead quiet.

"Thank you. You may leave now. " Nick excused the man.l and I could not have been happier. He was the most boring driver I had ever met. "Can I come in now?" I said as he made me wait by the door. "Come in. Sorry about that." He said,moving to the side so I could walk in. My eyes scanned the place. Glass...Glass and more glass. It screamed morden  with a touch of luxury and a lot of bachelor. It was filled with what any bachelor would have,from a black L-shaped couch pacing the Seattle sky line,flatscreen TV and one painting that uubg on the wall facing the kitchen. It was the only white thing I had seen ever since I got in.

I walked further into the house and saw a table covered with rose petals and black mint flavoired lit-candles around the house.  Two plates,expectly placed on a dining table with a bucketalong with candles on the middle I it. It was romantic.

A candle lit dinner in my boyfriend's house while looking out over the city. A dream come true.

"So you don't like it? I could also-" I cut him off placing a finger on his lips to shut him up. "It's beautiful. I love it." I said pulling his face down so I could kiss him.

"I'm not a romantic man,Ms. Wilde. I don't cuddle after sex. I don't text, 'I miss you',in the middle of the night. I don't appreciate it when people question me or my authority. I don't go out for movies. I don't go out for ice cream. I don't spend hours infront of the TV screen,for the sake of movie night or 'alone time'. But for you I will try.  I have after all,experienced many firsts with you and are willing to do more. " He said looking into my eyes,and they cobtinues flutteted down to my lips. I smiled at him. It warmed my heard to hear him say that,like I had just found a new reason to live.  And like him,I had also done many firsts with him. Including introducing him to my family after just two months.

"You lie,Mr. Wildwood. You lie." I said pulling away from his hold. He looked confused,so I clarified things a little bit more for him. "You say to me,you are no Romeo,but look at this." I gestured to the table. "It must have taken a lot of time and effort for you to do it. And I love you for that. I love even though you will not cuddle after sex,spent hours on the phone texting about nothing and everything. I love you with all your different shades." He released a nervous laugh and said, "This was all Dylan and Anastasia's idea. But I did all the hard work. " He said after a moment of silence and I nodded approvingly. The fact that the original idea was not his didn't matter. What mattered was that he did it. He tried to be romantic for me and that was more than enough for me.

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