Chapter 18

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I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was to sleep. The manager even advised that I go home.  That was when she saw me resting my head on one of the railings. It was a good offer. But I didn't want to go home and rest. I wanted to help. To be there for my patients for as long as I could.

For most of my childhood,all I did was sleep. That was when I came back from school and my online classes were over. I slept,and that played a huge part of why I was overweight in high school.

Yes,I did my BSC's while still in high school. I was no genius but I did do well enough to qualify and in the end I passed.

"I'll be there a little bit later. I'm just going to get us some takeaways and coffee." I said as we parted ways. She was going home and I to the cafè and a restaurant nearby to get us food. "Nothing with fish." She yelled through the night. "Ok."

I arrived at ther cafè in record time and asked for Ruina. The girl that gave me my order told me that she had long left. That was a big disappointment. I really wanted to talk to her. I took my order and went straight to the restaurant. It was apposite the cafè. I sat on one of the tables near the windows as I awaited for the food.

There was a car waiting outside. A black car.

Wait have I seen that car somewhere but where?

And then it clicked. That was Nick's car.

Nick...Wait Nick? What is he doing here?

The same you are here for.

My conscious side said.

My order came and I took it. The girl that gave it to me was very polite. She looked no older than 20 and matured for someone her age.

I got out and went to the car. There was no need for me to call a taxi. I knew he was waiting for me. Well not the entire time. He had motioned for me to go while I was waiting and I mouthed to him that I would come later.

"I have to go home Nick" I said. A few minutes had passed since I got in the car and he had not said a thing. He just looked at me with the same look I remembered giving the first time I saw an operation take place. It was full of curiosity. "Don't look at me like that." I said wishing the earth could open up and hide me. His look was making me fell things. Things that didn't end so good in the end.

"I know. That's why I'm taking you. I want to spend another night with you." He said. His hand caressing my thigh. My body had tensed and I  shocked,mostly scared at the same time.

He was a bold man. Did he not think that I would kick his balls for that? No,he didn't.  Either way,I highly doubted my knee would even reach that high.

"Another night?" My voice came out a little higher than I had planned.  He took my face in his hands and laughed.  It was a humour filled short laugh.

"One taste of your lips and I'm already addicted." He said shaking his head. Addicted?

What did he mean by addicted? And that by my lips? We had literally kissed once and that too was a mistake. I was unconscious to my actions,actually he in a way took advantage of me. Ok that is crap,but still he shouldn't have kissed me back,maybe u would have woken up.

He ignited the car and drove off. "I am going in with you." He said,more like he was telling me it was already decided. I got out of the car. I didn't mind him going in. He had got in before.

I opened the door and ushered him in. The girls were seating on the couch wearing our 'uniform',an oversized T-shirts.  They sat properly and formally when they saw a guy behind me . Well they tried. They bowed slightly at him.

What the hell?

I walked to them with Nick towering closely behind. Their discomfort was not pleasing but it amusing.  It was not everyday that you saw them so uncomfortable.

"So girls...I'de like to introduce someone to you. Except for you Ana." I said playfully and it earned me a scoff from Ana. They turned and looked in our direction. "Let me introduce you to Nick. Nick this are my girls. Anastasia,who you already know and Juliet. There is also one more. Ruina,who is not here as you can see." I looked at Nick then at the girls.

"Girls this is Nick." They looked at him for a second,with eyes barely up.  It was unusual to see that kind of behavior from them but still I did not want to put too much into it and the guy was intimidating.

"Nice to meet you,Alph-Nick."

The discomfort was almost tangible.

"Ok... Let me go and put this down and I'll be back. " I walked to the kitchen but with my back to it and eyes on the people in the living room.

I went to my room to change into more comfortable cloths and also making a mental reminder to take a bath. I came back a few minutes later wearing a pair of pants and an over sized V-neck washed out shirt.

The girls didn't seem even a little bit comfortable. Actually they looked rigid and tense. "I'm back" they turned to me and with pleading looks on their faces. Nick was seating  comfortably on one of the chairs,with a 'I couldn't care less' look on his face.

" can go." They said as soon as I got in sight,with utter urgency in their voices. He got up and ushered for me to follow him and I did. It was foreign to me how I followed his every command,including the ones that he had not said a thing. 

I followed him but I did not plan to leave with him. All hell would break lose. I was not going to miss ours girls movie night. It was the only night that we got to hangout together and do girls stuff. The time were our jobs didn't matter.  When they didn't become the head topic. It was a time to relax and let lose and I was not about to miss that. Not for a guy or anyone else.

We got to his car of which he opened for me to get in. I didn't. "I forgot to tell you something. " I said in a small tone and he turned his back looking at me with a blank stare. "I'm not going." I said simply. A small curve on his lips appeared on his sinfully gorgeous face . I took two steps back to give him space if he was planning on closing the door.

He just looked at me with a smile. A mischievous smile. Damn it looked good.

Why in the fuck is he smiling?

"Are you sure about that?" The smile still on his face and damn he looked good.


"Ok you're loss." And he got in the car and drove off. I was a little bit sad when he left but it was for a good course. A good girl time course.

I went back into the house with a huge smile on my face. I was the one choosing the movie. This was gonna be great.

We had agreed to watch what ever movie was of the choosers choice.

"Are you ready to watch Pirates Of The Caribbean?" I said as I got to were they were seating.  The look on they faces told me I needed to explain and fast or else I was gonna get a long train of questions. "I ditched him. I would never miss this for any guy." I said with a smile. They faces relaxed. They whole postures relaxed.

We got through the first and halfway through the second,there were like five parts, Ruina arrived. It was a total surprise to us all. We all thought she had cancelled on us. But like me her reasons were similar.


Keep in mind that there will be typos on this book but please stay witg me till the end.
And also the use to curse words and vulgar language.
I don't like writing an author's note,but this chapter was short and I'm sorry for that. I was tired and a lot cold. It's like the beginning winter were I am. So yah..
The characters may engage in sexual activities before they get to know each other much. (JUST a HEADS UP😏)

And I still love you guys and also thank you for reading my book. It really means a lot to me.☺


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