Chapter 37

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"Ok...that was definitely weird." I said to myself before running after the boy. "Plain vanilla please."

Or mint?

I said in my head and released a sigh. I was missing Nick terribly,not to forget that I was not a really good fighter when it involved him. The last time we had talked,three days ago we had argued. And it escalated into a big fight. The reason behind it was Nick. He had lied to me,told me that he was going on a business dinner the night prior to that. The bitch was not to say the least,with her blonde hair and slim body. Long legs and the body of a model,exactly like his company workers.

Why do I know all this? You ask. I followed him. I thought it was way too good to be true,a meeting that late at night.

They had booked a table for two under his name. I watched from afar as they ate and had fun. I watched him put his arm around her. It hurt and burned to see him like that with another woman. It tore me inside to see them that comfortable around one another. I watched him as his eyes wondered around her body. Everywhere on her body except her face. And she did a pretty good job at seducing my man. Her boobs were a nipple away from popping out of the dress she was wearing.

I went back to his penthouse an hour later and waited for uim to come back. Like a good insuspecting girlfriend.

I asked him about where it was he had went and his answer disappointed and hurt me to unknown depths. "I went out to dinner with a friend." He said without looking just a little guilty. Looking me straight in the eyes. "And who was you friend?" It was a question I hated to ask. Partly because I knew he was going to lie and he did not disappoint. "A guy friend from way back."

That was what cut my patience shot. My trust in him short,if not at all. We argued for a very long time and like any man would he tried to explain and justify himself. But the damage was already done.

Sean returned to me with a cup of plain vanilla ice-cream. My favourite,right before I taste the one Nick was having during our date at pinkberry. "Thanks." I said with a smile that faded as soon as it came.

He showed me around the castle,their home,more of told me about it. It had four wings,the North,South,East and the West. The top floor of the North belonged to his brother. The rest were for the family. His mother,Autumn,father and sister,Diana, shared a wing. When the parents were around that is. Apparently they were very busy people,more especially the brother.

"I think we should go inside. It's getting late and the sun has already set." I said,half carrying him on my back into the house for the fun of it. "You are jot like the other nanny. She never carried me before." He cooed beside me as we rounded the place.

He had told be all about the wings of the castle and who shared it with who(it was not gossip). We also spent less than half an hour looking at their garden. "Mother says it is her priced jewel. She cared for it very much,maybe that way it's still glorious. Said she is going to pass it to the mcg Luna,once brother gets married. But you kbow what I think?" He beamed,hands behind his back as he talked. It was indeed gorgeous. All different kinds of flowered grown in one area. I saw roses, daisies a very rear flower I had head an old man talk about an not saw once in my whole entire life. The infamous Scarlett pimpernel. It was a very beautiful flower and the fact that it grew here was also as amazing.

"No,I don't. How about you tell me." I urged him on. "I find it really hard to think that'd he wil still marry. I feel so sorry for him. He still has not found his mate,even at his age." He said,a sad look on his face. I squared then went on my knees to be at eye level with him. "Sadness does not look good on that handsome face. Maybe this will cheer you up a little." I stood up and picked a rise from the garden. "Here. In my opinion,you look better with a smile." I complimented,cupping his little cute cheeks. He blushed. "And the blush-" He buried his face in his hands. "Ok I wouldn't say. Now let's go inside I'm sure dinner is already done." I said and he all but pulled me in.

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