Chapter 20

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I  don't remember having had that kind of sleep in my entire life. I even got woken up with a kiss. A very passionate kiss. She was a good kisser. I didn't expect anything less from a future queen of all lycan and werewolf kind and Luna to my pack.

I got worried when she told me that she didn't eat breakfast. Who in their tight mind didn't eat breakfast.She was so Pettit. Her body looked so fragile it scared me to think of her under  me being as I stretched her to her limits. It was also exciting  to think about it.

Her moaning and screaming my name as she come again and again and again. would be fulfilling scene to see. Imagine was more like it in my case.


"She cancelled?!" Dylan all but shouted in utter shock even I was still shocked myself. "I wouldn't say cancelled because we had not agreed on it. She did not want to miss their girls night." I said as I sat on the black Italian leather couch in my office back at the pack house. He sat next to me. "And how do you know that?" He was beginning to sound like an interrogater. "I read her mind." My mood deflated after that. "But at least you got to kiss her." He sat playfull and patted my shoulder. I was trying to lift my mood and it worked. I laughed at his comment.  We told each other everything. Almost everything.  He knew things about me that no one else did and I the same,but we had our secrets,like everyone else.

"Yeah I did." I said with a smile.

"What are you planning on doing tomorrow?"

I thought about it for a while.

"Nothing.  I have nothing planned for tomorrow."

He threw me an unconvinced look.

"Well,I had planned everything that we would do. But as you can see things gave changed. She is not a shifter and that made a full 360 degrees change of plans. All I have left is to let things run their course  and see were we goes." I said looking at him. He felt sorry for me. I could see it in his face.

"Remove that look from your face." I said sternly. "Ok.ok,it's gone." He said as he raised his hands in the air to surrender. We both laughed. "Are you sure you can be that patient?" He said in a serious tone. While also giving me that 'be serious' look.

Was I sure? No. Was I willing to try? Yes.

"I'm willing to try." I said as I stood from the couch and went to the window. "If your sure man." He said standing. He took a bottle of red wine that was seating on a table on a far corner. "Fancy a drink." I smiled at him. He always knew when to and when not to ask. One of the reasons we stayed friends for all those years. He was supportive and knew when to back down. "I thought you'de never ask." I took a class from him and swirled it a number of time while also smelling it. If it smelled good it tasted good.


"I can't remember the last time I slept that late." I said excitedly as I stretched my arms. "You-we didn't sleep late. Actually we slept during the movie. " Juliet said in a rasky voice. We had all just woken up and it was already late,lunch. "So we didn't watch the whole thing?" Ana said whining voice. "Yep." Said Juliet as she straightened our her shirt.

We raced to the door to see who would go out first and it was Ruina. "You only won because I was fixing my hair when it started. Next time you wouldn't be so lucky." Ana said with a menacing smile. We all laughed at her. She was not very at losing. A saw-loser was more like it. "Sorry for their wouldn't be a next time." I said swaying my hips as I walked to my room. That was a bluff. They would be a next time,maybe next times.

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