Chapter 9

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Three days had passed and to be frank,I couldn't stop thinking about that tall guy that came to my house three days back after that big party. He was a greek god. And as if that was not too much I was being followed. During the those days I was being f**king followed  and I had nothing special to offer. I wasn't connected to any doggy guys,not that I knew of.

It was on a Friday and I got off work a bit late. "Going to that cafè again?" Anastasia asked. "Yah,you know how much I love the coffee they make. But they will never be better than you ofcourse. Who knows maybe that guy that has been following...stalking  me for the past three days will turn up and this time I will give him a peace of my mind." I said,then stayed quiet for a few seconds. "That's if he doesn't kidnap me first but still I'll  give it to him." I finished. A shiver ran down my spine. It was cold so I thought no further of it.

Anastasia Fernandez,a true friend. We met at the university were we both studied medicine on the my first day and since been friends. She was a great house mate and friend.

"See you tomorrow,bright and early. Oh scar?" She gave me a mischievous smile. "Yes?" I looked at her in question. "Try to find yourself a guy." She finally got it off her chest. I busted out laughing  as if she had told the most funniest joke in the book. After a while of recuperating I told the same thing I had been saying for the past year and a half. It even git imprinted in my brain. "I told you that I'm not 'yet' looking  for someone to get into this pants." I said with a smile and waving good-bye. She had told me that she would be spending a few days at her boyfriend's. And today was the last day.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I remembered she would be returning. I had something to tell her that had been happened to me for the three days that she was gone but I never got the perfect chance to do so. I had to wait.

"Has anyone ever really got into those pants?" She said playfully. "It's  close to impossible if not impossible  knowing you." We both laughed slightly and it was mostly at the attitude she gave me saying that. "Just loosen up a bit!"

"You know what,if I stay here and chat any longer I'm not gonna get my coffee and if I don't,you know I'll be grumpy all day plus it wouldn't taste the same." I said going to the doors and since they opened automatically  I didn't have to turn and knobs. "Bye love you!" I managed to say before the doors closed and heard a bye. I could mentally see her smiling from ear to ear.

Lucky girl she was. She had a boyfriend that she loved and that loved her just as much and he occasionally fetched her from work but it wasn't  that much. He was a busy man so she told me.

I took my usual walk to the cafè. The night was cold and I had on a black jacket. I had plaited my hair on both sides and used hair clips just so my head could fit in a hat. My hair was not necessarily thick or thin but it was straight  and didn't curl easily.

On my way I couldn't help but think about Steve, my ex-boyfriend. He used to do the same. Well in his case he brought me to school and back sometimes,took me out to lunch and that's  when I got so addicted to coffee. He loved it and that's how I fell for it too,through him.

He was not a bad guy,actually he was very good looking. Not like the tall guy from three days back but he came close.

And here I was thinking and comparing  people to that guy again. I couldn't  even stop for just five minutes.


It had a way of frustrating me and  I  couldn't help it.

Anyways back to Steve.

He had his flaws,like every one else. The worst one of all was that he loved to flirt with girls  even around me. And this one time I realized that it was not just plain out flirting. I caught him red handed,f**king his PA in his office on his desk. It broke my heart. It broke me and to top it all off,I  was going to invite him for Thanks giving that day. I never wanted to fall inlove. It was because I only feared getting  hurt,it was meeting a guy like him,one that would break me the way he did.

The memory was taunting but thankfully the image didn't play in my head like everytime when I remembered it.

So Ana was not that wrong after all. I needed to relax and have some fun just a little. It was not like I would fall inlove with the guy and give him what I treasured the most. My virginity.

"Hello!ma'am?what may I get you?'' Said a soft voice. Before i could even play out what was happening  never mind what the voice said, Ruina came and answered for me. Ruina worked at that cafè and it had been for as long as I had heard about the place and began going there after moving to the town."Don't  worry about her Alisa,she is mine today." She said in a cheerful voice and a smile that melted my heart always. Actually anyone that smile melted my heart but she was special. She was one of my closest friends.

"Should I take that in a good or a bad way?and hello to you too." I said with a smile as huge and friendly as hers was. If not for that girl,Alisa,I would have surely still been in my long chain of thoughts. I would have not realized that I had arrived at the cafè.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "My usual please." I said giving her a smile and sat on a chair.

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