Chapter 44

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'Security breach. A vampire was spotted around the outskirts of town.'

Scarlett. She is in danger.

She was the first person I thought about,and Destiny's words kept ringing in my head like a broken record.

She will die. They are in danger. She will die. They are in danger.

It took me less than ten minutes to get to mall. The last place she,and that's if she was still there.

Her car. Her scent. His scent.

He has her.

"I swear I am going to kill him."

Said Dark, through gritted teeth, followed by a low but deep growl.

He must have heard the growl, because he looked in my direction. I slower my steps.

Don't go with your heart,use your head. She has to come out of this alive. You can't afford to lose her.

I kept chanting in my head as I walked closer.

She got out the car,the front seat. We locked eyes. She was scared, shocked and angry?

Why is she angry?

She got in the back seat,right next to him. "Join us, please." He said with a smile. One of his buddies was at the front and I few,about five hiding in the shadows. One wrong move and she was dead. I didn't want to risk it.

I got in the car and sat next to her. She was shaking,her right side was shaking.

"Hello Nick,old buddy."

I swear I am going to kill him,but first I have got to get her to a safe place.

I kept quiet for a bit.

Keep this civil and she will live.

"Steve." I said dryly. The name butter as it came out of my mouth.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
She groaned in the head, agitated as hell.

"Sadly,I don't have time to waste,so will you tell her or should I?" A smirk plastered on his nasty face,as he leaned forward. I kept my movements to a minimal. If she wasn't present, I would have killed them all in a splitting second.


"I'm leaving. She must probably be waiting for me." I said, picking up the past of the paperwork I had scattered on my desk.

"Have you talked to her yet?"

Asked Dylan, earning  questioning look from Strider.

"Who are you talking about?..."

Interjected Strider.

"...oh,her. Have you?"

And now they were both looking at me.

"Not yet,but I am going to do it tomorrow. First I wanna fix things." I said, going out the door,l leaving the two to complete the rest. Like sending a rejection letter to King Fort. King of fairies.

It was Vincent's week off. He went to see his mother, somewhere in southeast Asia.

We hadn't talked for almost a week. I was too busy. Too preoccupied with securing her safety. Trying to find out how the hell Steve made it through my patrol and into my territory,and how the fuck he knew about her. About us.

"He was my boyfriend"

Every time, every second that went by,it rang in my head.

"He was my boyfriend.

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