Chapter 42

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I lyed on the table. Eyes clued to the ceiling and mind racing,as I waited for Dean to finish setting up his equipment.

What if I'm really pregnant?  Then what? What am I going to do? What is Nick going to think? What will be do? How will he react? And I missed his physician's appointments in the past week's. Damn! I only we went once.

I was given two options. One,do a blood test,like I had wanted,or two,do an ultrasound.

I chose both.  And now I was laying in Dean's table and waiting.

"Raise your shirt."

He said softly.

I raised the shirt. My eyes focused on one spot on the ceiling,a smail nail. Barely noticeable unless you really looked.

How will his family react to this?How will his family react to this?Not a week had passed since he introduced me go his family and now this? What will yhey think of me? And mother? Since she had beennon my case about kids,I guess she be ecstatic about it. Father? He is a totally sifferent story

I sighed heavily.

He will definitely skin me alive. And that look he gave me after talking to Nick.

I drew in a breath.

I am dead.

Stop being so tramatic about this. You havent wven seen the baby yet and you're already overthinking it, Said my inner voice.

"Stop over thinking things soo much. You'll be fine." Said Dean,pulling me out of my chain of thoughts. My turmoil.

I gave him a wary smile.

"Anyway,look at your baby. Mom." He said with a big grin. Halting before saying  the 'mom' part. My heart rate instantly went up. I felt Dean's hand on mine. A supportive gesture. It hurt for the first two minutes but I couldn't really focus on the pain. The realization that I really was pregnant,and that Ana and Henrietta were right,hit me hard. For ten minutes straight I zoned out. It felt like I was floating, or was I free falling. I was not sure. I could not hear a single word Dean was saying. My eyes were clued to the screen. He or she looked like a lizard. I laughed wholeheartedly. It was a beautiful sight.

"Want to hear the heart beat?"

There I was,seeing my baby for the first time. The baby I refused to admit was there,though I had my doubts.

I nodded vigorously.

Love at first sight. I didn't believe in it,until I met Nick, and now adding to that was the baby.

Yeah,I loved it,eventhough it looked like a lizard.

He pressed some buttons and there it was. A strong and healthy heart beat.


It was as strong as it's father's.

"Can you tell the gender? Or is it still early?  Wait! Can you also tell how far along I am?" The questions came flying. He chuckled. I was not really certain, but from what I could tell,I was a few weeks pregnant.

"No,but in two weeks time when you come in for your checkup,we'll be able to tell the gender. And you're just a month. How did you not notice?"

Now that explained the missing period and why I found certain smells that I loved,revolting.

"It's kind of hard noticing,if you constantly miss months." I answered simply.

I got up and wiped off the jell like thing with a wiped on the table. Dean's face was light up the whole time, and I would bet with a million(that I didn't have) what he was thinking. "Who is the lucky guy?" He finally asked. I took a deep breath. "Nick." I replied simply. "Which Nick? Our Nick or another?"

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