Chapter 29

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"Your table is ready,Sir. Please follow me this way." A blonde young man said walking ahead of me.

I had picked the best restaurant in the area. It was also on the Montè hotel. As much as I knew she wasn't one for expensive things,I wanted to do something,show her a glimpse of my world. Of how things would be.

"This way sir." He said opening the door that led to a private room at the back of the restaurant. I had picked the place because of the view and also it's privacy. If there was one thing I knew about her,She loved the sky at night. Every time we went out for a late night coffee she would choose a table near the Windows and look out more than she did at the next thing infront of her.

I got in and walked to a table,set as close to the glass wall as possible.  The sky was clear,the stars twinkled and moon shined in it's crescent shape. The lighting was dim and romantic, or atleast I thought it was.

I hope she likes it, I said in a whisper to myself,releasing a sigh. She was to arrive in approximately ten minutes. And just like clock work she walked in. The presence of her scent and the sound of heels as they hit against the marble were the first things I noticed. My heart raced. The flow of blood quickened and before I knew it I,my palms were getting sweaty.

The sound of the heels  as the clicked on the sandsotone were quick but sounded slow in my ears. I knew it was her even though many women were present and walking in the whole building. The door was opened slowly as if teasing me. A felt a gush of wind pass through the door and with it,I saw a glimpse of a white coat . She took a step in. Her head held high as she looked straight me.

She was wearing a pale blue dress with pale blue heels. A small purse in her hands that she held way too tight too.

She was as nervous as I was.

She took off the white coat she was wearing that covered most of her dress and hung it. The dress clung to her in all the right way on her upper half and flowed from the waist down to the knees. Her chest kept moving up and down slowly as she closed her eyes. She opened her eyes again and it was then that she took the whole room in. Her eyes wrinkled a little when she saw a bouquet a flowers on a table a few feet from where we would have our dinner. She smiled as her eyes landed on me. It was the most satisfying sight I had ever seen.

It surpassed the time when I first was declared the Alpha king.  From when I first opened the door to my now multi-billion company.  From when I first had a girlfriend.  From all the other moments that had now become useless. I knew then that I lived and pushed through all those years just to see her smile. To see her face light up everytime she looked at the sky. To see her lighten up everytime she saw me.  To hear her heart beat every time she saw me and everytime I came close to her. To see her happy.

That's what I lived For,to see her happy.

"Miss Wilde." I greeted as I moved from the window to her. I took her hand in mine and placed a light kiss on her knuckles. She blushed. "You...all this for me?" She asked looking at the table then out and I swear her eyes shined. "All this and more." I sat as we got to the table. I pulled the chair out for her and sat on mine on the opposite site as the waiter took our orders.

"I'll have...uh-" She stared at the menu,flipping through a page. "The lady and I would have a..." I said taking over. "Do you like red or white wine?" I asked and she looked at me in bewilderment. "White."She said handing the menu to the young man.

"So tell me,Why this place?" She said leaning into the table but not putting her elbows on the table. "It's a little taste into my world." I simply said making eye contact. She blinked a few times breaking it. "A taste you say?" She asked looking out. I knew she would love it. "Yes,a taste. Since you are going to become my wife I find it best that I teach you little by little. " At the mention of 'wife' her head snapped in my direction. "Careful with that neck,baby." I warned.

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