Chapter 5

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I would really like to apologize for not updating sooner.😞
I had finals to prepare for and we are in the middle  of writing them but I just couldn't live with myself  for not updating.
I apologize again and hope you guus understand.



The drive was long and we still hadn't  arrived  yet and to make it worse the driver had closed that window-thingy that helps you see the driver. I estimated the time to mostly thirty minutes in the car.

I took out my phone and texted Anastasia.

Me: Hey girl

Ana: Hi to you too,were are you? I have been waiting🤨

Me: I am...we are on our way😊. Girl thanks for the dress,shoes,purse,car and the driver😊😘.

Ana: Your welcome 😘.

Me: The driver is really a man of few words 🤣😅.

Ana: Sorry about that!😅

We talked about that and a few other things to pass the time. I got tired of typing and sending voicenotes,and Anastasia was not available anymore so it made sense to put the phone away.

I was on the verge of sleeping,literally,when the driver,who had not told me his name,said we had arrived. I let out a sigh of relief.  It was about time.

I took the leverage of looking out through the window and the great 'Montè hotel' stood proud. I couldn't believe my eyes but I got out of the car, not before the guy opened it. "My lady!" He gave me his hand and I gladly took it. "Please do forgive my manners,I'm Vincent. " He said sincerely  but after seeing  my confused state he clarified. "My name is Vincent." He repeated. "And I  am Scarlett." I said offering  him a sweet  smile. "Nice to meet you Vincent!" I said again offering my signature smile.

The exterior of the hotel,most of the front was thick glass and then concrete or maybe it was  brick. Either  way it looked breathtakingly  beautiful  and somehow romantic. A reminder of my  non existing  love life. Vincent  escorted me to the grand doors  of the hotel and again  nothing was left overseen by the planer. The lights were bright but perfect,ceilings were high,like in most hotels I had been to. The bar was filled,all the bar stools were occupied. "I can't go there." I said to myself  in a low voice.

I wished Vincent had got in with me at least I wouldn't fell alone as I felt at that moment. I looked  in another direction  and there stood the buffet. The food  looked mouth watering and it was,but I had no time for food. I had to find Anastasia. Adjusting  my dress,I made my way to the grand stair case that captivated the whole room. But before I could  get even close to it someone stopped me with few gentle taps on the right shoulder. I turned to see who it was,the person that needed my attention.

I was dumpstruck by the person that stood before me. A tall man,a foot and a few inches taller  than me. He was wearing a dark blue three piece suite and it looked tailore made. I took a second to scan the room and everyone looked at their best. They looked  like A-listers and I finally got why Anastasia put so much effort in my appearance. I looked at the lady standing behind the handsome man I stood with and I felt self-conscious. She looked  beautiful in her royal blue  off the shoulder  dress. I mean it showed off her curves and I couldn't help but be jealous of her,a little  bit. Ok a lot jealous.

The guy must have noticed  my diverted attention. "Miss?" He said,even his voice  was beautiful. I bit the inside of my  cheek to keep from squealing. "Oh,I do apologize for that." I said with a shy smile. And that was how our conversation  started but I had something else in my mind. I had to find  Anastasia.

I called  her,it rang  but she did not answer. I tried calling again and just when I was about to give up she answered. I asked her were she was and we agreed to meet at the back near the pool. I didn't even know were the pool was. I had to navigate my way through the crowd to the pool.

"Excuse me sir, were is the pool?" I had to ask. One of the worse things  I hated doing,asking for help. The guy I asked help from was tall,almost the same height as the rest of the guys. He wore a dark blue suite,which brightened his skin making him look pale. His jaw was refined,sharp jaw line perfect and facial features.

"What if i touched him?" I could not help but wonder but pushed the thought away.

"Go straight  then take a left and you will reach the main pool." I thanked him and made my way.

I got to the pool and she was already  waiting  for me. I sent her an apologetic smile. It was no secret  that I was not that great with directions  so she had to wait. "Girl you look hot." She said exhausting  the 'hot'. "Hello to you too!" I joked and huged her,she huged back.

We talked,took photos and a lot of selfies but in the end she had to leave to see some of the guests. She did say she helped plan the thing. It was a grand party,apart from the numbers of peole,which were a lot the dress  code that was over the top,it was lit.

I made my way back to the huge room. I talked to a lot of people of which most I  didn't even remember  their  names. Some even asked for photos of which I politely declined.

I finally  got tired of walking  around,eating,talking and laughing  with strangers. I decided to go back home and Vincent  couldn't help but oblige. I was pretty convincing,I  think.

A tummy ache and dizziness. Yep I was good.

After giving me the ride he went back and I went inside. I was tired but not too tired and lazy to take a bath, so I took one and went to sleep.


Thanks for reading.


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