Chapter 39

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An hour or so after getting to his house,Anastasia left. Promised me that she was would come again the following day.

I sat alone in his bedroom.

There was another house behind the one I had once been in. The day I almost got raped. By my ex-boyfriend. It was a hundred feet,more or less,away from the other one.

It's exterior was dark. Dark glass and a brick painted black. It was not homely I earn,more manly and more like a invention. Industrial invention.

The inside was also dark. Black walls that adorned the entryway,all the way to the kitchen. The kitchen it's self was beautiful. Stainless steel,horizontal two-door fridge,stainless steel stove,black marble coutertops with dark cabinet doors and dark marble floors.

Continue into the seemless lounge,the floors are a dark wood,something between black and grey. A sunken seating area with white sofas. A flat screen TV on the wall. -Oh,and did I mention the mood lighting and an assistance robot. I could not actually see it but it controlled almost all the electric in the house.

A dark passage,well light that led into the rooms. The two bedrooms and a room that he promised to take me into.

The first bedroom,master bedroom,had black walls and a black-pearl accent wall. A king size floating bed,with black sink covers and a black and white mat going under it. It also had a balcony with two seats and a small round table inbetween the chairs.

The master bathroom was no different. Black tiles in the two person shower,with up dated technology. Two vanity sinks, medicine cabinet on behind a big mirrow divided into three section. One being were the medicines were. The other was occupied by his man stuff,shaving cream,deodorant,cologne and lots of other things. The last one was unoccupied,empty.

Across the mirror was a big soak-in-tin,fit for atleast three people,facing out to the woods. It was also black.

The second room was lighter,light grey walls all around. A floating double bed,a higher compared to the master bed. It's covers were white and had a little fluffy pillow at the middle. The bath was a one person shower with black tiles,a paw-tub and two vanity sinks. The walls were grey like in the master's.

Before leaving the castle,I stayed behind with Ana and actually took the pregnancy test. The longest,most nerve threaking give minutes of my life. I could barely stand still and nerve mind trying not to freak out every two seconds.

Ana was like 'it's gonna come back positive',every minute that passed by and I was the actual opposite. I wanted it to come back negative but yet again positive. I wanted to be a mother but yet again was afraid of it.

Is that too hard to understand?

Fast forward five minutes later,it came back positive. Ana was thrilled,erratic even. She kept on sceaming,' am gonna be an aunt', while jumping around in the bathroom. I was beyond shocked. I was pregnant.

I was actually pregnant.

I fell on the warm floor,hugging my knees while rocking my body back and forth. Sometime during mtge rocking,Ana sat down next to me and she tried to make me come down. A while after the praising and the 'everything will be ok',we agreed to get a second more accurate opinion.

I was going to go the hospital in a few days. After the holidays,it was Chrismas after all.

I want outside and set on one of the chairs outside,on his bedroom balcony,waiting for him to come back from downstairs.

The sky was clear I any clouds. The stars twinkled as the moon bragged about its glorious crescent beauty.

I lowered my head,to look at the pool below. The beautiful night sky perfectly reflected in it,like a flawless mirror.

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