Chapter 15

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So I didn't make it to second meeting. I had to skip the country and  she didn't even know. I would have told her-if I had her number but I didn't so I couldn't.

The business trip to Shanghai in China took me a week but during that week. The week that I had planed on using to get to know my mate.

*Flash Back*

"You said that you had cleared my schedule,what happened?" I barked at my beta in my alpha voice. If he was trying to piss me off them he had succeeded.

"I did Alpha,but he kept saying it was important and that it couldn't wait." Dylan said,cowering into a corner. "What the fuck do you mean by that?" I said taking a step toward in his direction and he took one back. "H-he said they is so-something  important he needs t-t-to talk to you about." He said stuttering. I took a deep breath to calm my lycan down.

Dark was not exactly ecstatic about not meeting Scarlett again. About disappointing her.

"I am going to reap him to pierces."

"Wait buddy! You don't really want to kill our friend now."

"I do."

He said certain death evident in his voice. After an internal war,I managed to block him off.

I took a glance at Dylan who was more than scared at that moment. He was literally shaking and it was the umpteenth time he had seen my lycan about to surface but he had never seen that side of him. Not even I had seen that part he wa ready to kill him. He had scratched and scratched and I was beginning to get a very terrible headache.

I returned back to my chair behind the desk. "When does the next flight leave?" I asked in a more calmer voice and he also calmed down a little from the shaking. He took small cautious steps from the corner to the desk and took a seat. "In two hours and the bags have already been packed." He said in a low voice. His heart had stopped beating fast like before,it was now even. I heaved a sigh, a sigh of frustration. " Did he tell you what it is about?" I asked leaning on the desk. He shook his head and mouthed a 'No'.

We got to the airport with forty minutes to spar. The flight took the whole night. It was tiring and painful. Painful because I didn't know when I would be back. I had to make this quick,Dark was not going to stay calm forever.

After landing we were received my a Chinese lady that said a few words. "Welcome Alpha king Nick. The Alpha is already waiting. It will only take us a few hours to get there." She said in a low voice. I mentally scoffed at what she had said,'a few hours ',as if it was true. It took about ten to eight hours to get to the East pack and a few hours was a huge understatement from my side.

We got out off the airport and went to a black limo that was waiting outside and it took us exactly nine hours and forty minutes to get there.

The pack house was big but not as big as mine. I got out to meet with the welcoming committee,the pack Alpha,Vince Chin, his beta and the gamma. He was a werewolf and the fear they emitted was revolting to such a point that it became tangible. And the looks given by the pack member did not make the situation any better even I did not want to be there any less than they wanted us. And it was the two of us,me and Dylan.

"Why did you call me here." I got straight to the point,not beating around the bush. If I was planning on getting back soon, I had to first hear the boy out.

He was no older than thirty-two years of age hence the 'boy' part.

And unfortunately for me I was not going to like what he was going to tell me. He led us to our rooms,which he obviously put effort in making it look comfortable. I declined his offer to get some rest and we went to his office. "Abigail go and get us drinks. " He said rudely to a maid and she ran out off the room with glassy eyes.

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