Chapter 43

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"I am a lycan."

I said to her. She looked me dead in the eyes and broke into a fit of laughter.

"And I'm a monkey uncle."

She managed to say through laughes.

I remained impassive,eyes locked on her,and just when I thought she would never stop laughing and take me seriously,she stopped. Abruptly. She visibpy became pale. Face drained of all it's blood.

"Are you serious? You can't be serious. Neither pycans nor vampires exist." She said in a slightly broken voice. "They do...we exist." I said calmly,while taking cautious steps to her. She took a step back. "Don't lie to me Nick. Stop lying to me,and don't come any closer." She said,voice breaking and heart beat rising.

I stood still,mind,body and soul aching to touch her. To connect with her.

"Let me explain."

She backed away until her back met the wall and took a shallow breathe.

"If what you say is true,then prove it."

She demanded.


I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and petrified.

"It's just a bad dream. Nothing is going to happen and nobody is going to leave." Said an angelic voice above me. Face hoovering inches away from mine and handhand gently stroking my hair.

She smiled at me,brows crunched up with concern. "Are you ok?" She said in the sweetest voice.

"Don't blow it,buddy." Warned Dark.

I was not stupid. We... Ihad planned to tell her,but the setting had to be suiting. The time had to be right.

"I'm ok. It was nothing,and why are you up so late?" I asked quickly changing the topic but as swiftly as possible. "I had to grab a glass of water." She said with a smile,but it didn't reach her eyes like always.

"I was worried about you."

She thought.

A few hours later,it was morning and she was already up before I could think of getting out of bed and facing her. Facing the reality before me.

I had to tell her.

"Do you have plans today?" She asked out more f the blue. "I have a meeting with Dylan down town, and that's just about it. Why do your night ask? Did you have any plans in mind? I will cancel mine." I looked at her in question and she looked at me with glassy eyes and a pout.

Oh dear Lord,this women is going to be my downfall.

Of course I knew it was Christmas and normally I would spend it at the park house,working through files or with Dylan. But this year things were different.

She out on a straight face. "I was just asking. No particular reason. But t I was planning on going to my house and the mall. I have a few things I wanted to get first." She said with a shrug. "I'll get you from the mall then." I said taking a mouth full of pancakes. "No,I'll be fine. But you could come and help me choose. Nothing beats going shopping with your boyfriend." She said with a goofy grin. I laughed slightly not saying anything and continued eating. "I'll go with you,but only if..." I said regretfully in defeat. In a flash,she was off her chair and hugging me from behind. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She squealed,placing sloppy wet kissed on my ear. "Don't start something you wouldn't finish,my love." I said huskily and she immediately let go.

I smirked.

"You never let me have her." Said Dark with a frown. "And you will have her,soon." I murmured. He kissed his teeth,turned his back on me and shut me off.


"I need you to take my lady to the mall in two hours but they rat you need to take her to her house." I ordered one of the omegas on duty. "As you wish Alpha king." He said,head bowed.

Vince has already been waiting,so I got in the car and he drove off. I was not really going down town.

I had to see Destiny,well she asked to me go.

"Been a while since I last saw you." Said the lady before me. I smiled politely and sat down. "For a kid,you talk like an adult." I teased. She laughed while making tea. "No thanks,I would rather have coffee." I said with a frown. She gave me one look and scuffed. Memories from my past visit resurfacing. She full blown laughed. ' I did promise I would not do it again." She said putting on a straight face.

"I am not going to risk it. You almost knocked me out last time."

She came carrying a tray with a tea cup and a coffee cup.

" So why have you called me here?" I got straight to the point. She scowled. " You never waist time,do you?" She said placing the cup gently on her lips and sipped. "Have you talked to her yet." Not you too. I took a deep breathe and drank my coffee. My face stoic and lacking emotion.

She could do literally anything at any given moment if she wanted to. Plus she was the second of her kind. The oldest witch to ever exist but yet she looked like a eleven year old kid.

"Is that a trick question?" She smiled slightly. "Are you going to tell me or should I leave?" I said in a baritone. She shifted a little, straighten her back, placed the tea on the coffee table and cleared her throat. " Your mate is going to die if you don't protect her." She said with a square face. I blanched. "What you have have been doing is not enough,not for what I see coming. You will lose her and your child."

My brows furrowed in confusion.

"What child are you talking about? Who should I protect her from? Give me something." I was on the edge of my seat, desperation,anger, confusion and worry evident in my face.

Her lip twitched into a smile, clearly hiding her amusement to the matter.

She found this amusing. Does she understand the magnitude of this?

"What the fuck are you smiling about?"


"What did she say?" Asked Dylan, walking beside me to the car.

"Nothing I don't already know." I said shutting the door.

That was the last thing I said to him for the day.

I didn't really have I go to the office or the park house.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

"This better be good." I said through gritted teeth.

"Alpha,she disobeyed you."

She did what?!

"Where is she now?"

I was heaving in anger.

"She just drove off. Should I follow her, Alpha king?"

"Yes. Follow her and don't let her out of your sight. Not even for a second,you hear me?"

I barked, storming out the elevator before the door could close . Apparently,mother had a file that she forgot and I had to get it.

"Your file will have to wait mother."

I said to mother,through the mind link and shut it as soon as I  finished.

"Where is she now?"

"She's headed for Anastasia's house."

I stopped mid step,Dylan closely behind, panting.

"Just a few floors and you're already panting? Old friend." I directed to Dylan,who ignored my comment.


Not my best chapter yet,but the next one will be better... good

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