Chapter 13:part one

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So it was obvious that we weren't going to the cafè and I  don't think I was about to find out were we where headed any time soon.

I was angry. I wanted to give him  piece of my mind but I couldn't because rationally speaking he had done nothing wrong. I was the one that allowed my mind to over think things and in doing that I only hurt myself.

The drive had began to look more of a road trip. We had been in the car for so long and no one between us had said a word.

"At least he still remembered the time I got off." I thought to myself.

It was pretty pathetic. I was beginning to lean on a man again after a year. For someone that had promised herself to never make a man her priority and center of her life, I was forgetting that pretty fast.

For the past thirty minutes no one had said a word. The silence was killing  me slowly but surely.

Wait till I get back, Ana you are so dead!

I decided to end the eerie silence that was drowning the car. Even he wanted to end It,I think. He kept looked at me in the passenger seat ever so often. "You should really focus on the road." I said as he had been looking at me for more than two minutes straight. "Oh. Sorry about that." He said as he cleared his throat. "So tell me something? Where are we going exactly or were you maybe planing on killing me somewhere?" I asked curiously and joked at the last part.

"I have a little surprise for you. We wouldn't want yo ruin the surprise now do we?" He said smicking. I couldn't help but as more his face as he focused on the road ahead. "An d don't worry I am not gonna kill you...well not yet." He had on a menacing smile that turned into a grin. A big toothy grin. One that killers in horror movies gave to their victims. In that moment I stopped admiring his face . The fear kicked in. My heard started pounding in my chest. I became pale. The adrenaline kicked in.

A lot of things went through my mind as his words 'not yet' kept repeating themselves in my heard. My breathing became unsteady. His words held truth to them. He was serious. But then again if he had actually planned on killing  me,why get me from work and expose being seen? Why arrive on time like that? I was not the the only one living. I'm sure a lot of people saw him anyway why go through all the trouble to  kill someone like me.

All this questions I had no answers to and they were also way too much for me at that moment. They made my head hurt.

I got scared by just a few words.

What if he went after my family.

"Stop worrying so much about your family. Their time is coming soon." He said calmly like what he had just said was nothing.

Oh, Sofia. My little cousin/sister was way too young to die. She hadsuch a bright future ahead of her. Mom and dad dieing before they met their future grandchildren.

I could never see my life without them,not to forget Ana. My best friend.

I heard him laugh. It was low and short. It was neither wicked nor spiteful but sweet and full of amusement.

It was the most amaizing sound ever and I hated myself that I loved the way he laughed.

If I was going to die I had to reserve my energy. I was not going down without a fight.

I scowled at him horrified then looked away. I said nothing to him but then we entered the woods.

The whole town was surrounded by woods. And I was big even I had not to all the places but seing this site of it was a new experience. Even after noticing the change I didn't say a thing but I wanted to.

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