Chapter Fifteen

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This has been the hardest part of the year for me.

. . . The stench is so strong you can practically taste the smell of the heat coming from the female weres and the sex smell coming from the males.

I always hated this time of the year because, to us, this month is much like February 14th except it lasts and entire 3 months. This is the usual time when the mating season occurs. When you find your mate. . .

I expected my wolf to be acting erratic or strange but no he's just calm and composed. Not uttering a single sound. . .which I find so strange. What is he up to? What is he planning on doing? I wonder to myself.

I run my hand through my hair trying not to think about it. " Lance this way." One of the gaurdians of this pack says to me as he shows me inside the Chief's quarters. " Have a seat Lance." He says in a calm manner. I sit down releuctantly not even wanting to be in here or outside for the matter.

" I wanted to hold off of speaking about this with you. . .but it seems you must know now. The truth about that thing inside you." He says lowly causing my wolf to stir. " Thing? Call my wolf a thing again and I'll-" " He is no ordinary wolf. . . he has powers, the ability to speak, to love, to hate. He is his own being."

My eyes narrow. " I kind of figured that out already. . ." I say numbly. " That thing inside you Lance. . .is a demon." My eyes widen. " A what?" And as you know the moment we are concieved we inherit a wolf spirit to live with us until we depart from the living world." Somehow the demon became a wolf spirit. It's a rare case indeed. But it has happened before."

" Not all wolf demons are evil and wicked some can be good some can be bad. . .but they hard to control and easily angered. And yours proves to be somewhere along the middle. He quite powerful indeed. . .he's an ancient one."

I look at him like he's crazy. " My wolf isn't exactly normal but he isn't a demon." I say madly. " They love the taste of blood werewolf blood to be specific, yours seems to bask in the act of killing. He loves battle and lusts for blood. If you don't give him what he wants. . .he will find some means of getting it himself."

My eyes narrow.

" Lance, you must realize that this can become an issue. It is an issue." he corrects himself. ". . . I know." I say back absently. " You must learn to balance his wants with your own, if you want to control his cravings and bloodlust." I sigh at this. " He's. . .been quiet this past week." His eyes narrow on me. " I don't know exactly why. . .usually he makes it known how unsatisfied he is with this. But now he is just quiet."

"Hmm. . . . tell me does he hate my daughter?" I nod my head. " I don't like her myself." He leans back into his chair, " Is there a reason behind this?" " She told me that I was hers. . . I say numbly. " I don't belong to her. She isn't my mate. It angered my wolf even more along with her constant. . .show of affection."

He laughs at this. " So he is that kind is he. . .? He must like someone then hm?" " That's none of your concern." I say back.

He sighs and continues on.

" Your mother and father knew what you had inherited they didn't know what to do how to raise you treat you. . . It honestly wasn't their fault. You are such a unique case. . . and your powers were emmense, uncontrolled, untamed. Purely raw."

" I see. . ." " You don't care do you?" " I don't." I say back. " What's done is done no use talking about it." " Once you have that thing under-" I quickly appear right in front of him and grab him by the hem of his shirt. " Call him a thing again and I will rip your throat out from your very neck." I say with a snarl while letting him go and sitting back down.

Fate of Existence | Book 1 ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt