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Authors Note: Hey guys I just wanted to say a major thank you for reading my story. Also I'm finishing up Goblet of Fire pretty quickly. Civil War is next and I'm super excited about it. So please continue to read and have an amazing day or night depending on when your seeing this 💛

" So a maze with a bunch of obstacles and magical creatures. I think it sounds like a no brainer. Easy work." Liliah patted Cedric shoulder as they looked over the quidditch field that now had a giant maze.
" Remember when I made you ride the cyclone at Coney Island?" Cedric asked.
" And I threw up?" Liliah finished.
" I think this is karma." Cedric nodded.
" Oh it most definitely is Puff. Most definitely." Liliah smiled.

" Why do I keep you around your absolutely no help." Cedric turned to her.
" Who are you going to talk to? Zachary Smith?" Liliah teased.
" Good point." Cedric pushed her shoulders forward signaling to start walking.
The two started walking back to the castle.

They walked into the castle and walked down the corridors to the Great Hall.
" Li!" Harry called and ran up to them.
Liliah turned around and smiled.
" Hey Haz." Liliah greeted.
" I just came from Dumbledore's office I need to tell you something." Harry panted.
" Okay take a breath. Ced, I'll see you tomorrow." Liliah said.
" Okay bye Lils. Bye Harry." Cedric waved.
Harry who was bent over with his hands on his knees just raised one hand.

Cedric gave Liliah a concerned looked. Liliah just shrugged and waved him off. Cedric glanced at Harry before walking off.

" Okay you good?" Liliah asked.
" Yeah." Harry nodded standing back up.
" Okay what's going on?" She asked.
Harry put a hand on her back and started walking them slowly down the corridor.
" Karkaroff is a deatheater. So is Snape. And so was Barty Crouch's son." Harry told her.
" The ministry official who was killed. The one at all the tasks?" Liliah asked.
" Yes him. His son was sent to to Azkaban by Karkaroff's testimony." Harry said.
" That's crazy. Two of the teachers here are death eaters. They should really have a better screening process for Professors in the Wizarding World." Liliah shook her head.

As the two walked they heard shouting from behind a door. The door swung open and showed Snape and Karkaroff, who was holding his sleeve up.
" Speak of the devils." Liliah mumbled.
Karkaroff pulled down his sleeve, glared at the two then walked away. This time Liliah pushed Harry forward to keep walking.
" Potter's. What's your hurry?" Snape asked in a harsh tone.
The siblings turned around.
" Congratulations your performance at the Black Lake was inspiring. Gillyweed correct?" Snape asked.

Harry stayed silent for a moment.
" Yes." He nodded.
" Ingenious. A rather rare herb gillyweed." Snape walked into his storage closet and looked through some bottles.
" Not something found in your everyday garden. Nor is this." Snape found the bottle and turned back to the brother and sister.
He held the potion in front of their faces.
" Know what it is?" Snape asked.
" Bubble juice sir?" Harry shrugged.
Liliah snorted and placed her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggles.

Snape shot her an icy glare.
" How about you Miss Potter know what it is?" Snape asked.
" It's still Rogers and yes I know. It's veritaserum. Truth telling potion." Liliah said.
" Correct. Three drops and even the dark lord himself would spill all of his secrets. The use of it on a student is regretfully forbidden. However if you ever steal from my personal storage again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice." Snape threatened.
" I didn't steal anything." Harry told him.

" Don't. Lie. To. Me." Snape glared.
" Okay well this has been a nice chat but we gotta go. Big day tomorrow and what not." Liliah pushed Harry out of the closet.
" Just like your father. He too got out of everything with his words and strutted around the castle like he owned it. Extremely arrogant." Snape spat.
" My dad did not strut and nor do I." Harry told him.
" Well then we must have different fathers, because I knew for a fact James did strut. And so do I." Liliah smirked.

Liliah then grabbed Harry's arms and strutted away dragging her brother with her.

( I know that the strutting scene happened in the third HP movie, but this part was too perfect not to put in 😂)


Liliah walked out into the sunshine the next morning and adjusted her green skirt.
(outfit attached above)
The families of the champions were coming today as a surprise. Liliah walked to a white tent where the families were meeting. When she walked in she saw a tall beautiful blonde woman with an okay looking man and a little girl. This was obviously Fleurs family. Next to them was a man and woman with heavy winter fur coats and blank faces, Viktor's family.

" Oh Liliah!" Matilda Diggory called.
Liliah turned and smiled at her. Matilda walked over to her and gave her a hug. Liliah hugged back.
" Oh dear. So good to see you again, we've missed you." Matilda pulled away.
" Yeah I've missed you too. Things have been crazy in my life, but I've been meaning to come see you." Liliah told her.
" Oh sweetie no worries. Your right it's been crazy. Everything happing in the Muggle world and you finding your biological parents." Matilda said.

" Yes. Crazy but good." Liliah nodded.
" Is that why your here?" She asked.
" Mm hm. I'm meeting my parents and uncles here to surprise Harry, my brother." Liliah explained.
" Oh well good. I won't keep you I think I see your dad over there." Matilda patted her arm.
" Oh okay. Good seeing you." Liliah smiled.
" You too dear." Matilda smiled back and walked to her husband.

Liliah turned and walked to her family.
" Liliah, Lily took away the blaster from me." James whined.
" Why?" Liliah asked amused.
" Because me and Pads were taking turns throwing up plates and blasting them." James rolled his eyes.
Liliah laughed at looked at her mom who wore an unamused face.
" That was my nice china James." Lily crossed her arms over her chest.
" We have magic love." James told her.

" Still it was dangerous. All that broken glass everywhere." Lily said.
" We cleaned it up!" Sirius joined the conversation.
" No you didn't." Remus spoke up.
" Yeah that didn't sound like me." Sirius gave him a small smile.
" You two are so lucky your pretty." Lily told James and Sirius.
" You think I'm pretty?" James asked.

" That's so weird. That's what people tell me too." Liliah smiled.
James and Sirius both gave her a high five while Remus and Lily looked at her with sad eyes.
" My poor baby." Lily pulled Liliah into her.
" Yeah you should have really thought about that before you reproduced. That they would get James's genes too." Remus grimaced.

" Mom? Dad?" Harry asked.
They all turned to see Harry and the rest of the champions walk in.
" Surprise!" They all yelled.
Harry smiled and walked over to his family. They all took turns hugging him.
" I'm so proud of you bud. Youngest seeker in a century and now winner of the Tri Wizard Tournament. How'd I get so lucky with two super cool kids." James said.
" Yeah it's not fair. You should give one to me and Rem." Sirius joked.

" Speaking of which. We have some exciting news to tell you all after the tournament." Remus grabbed Sirius's hand.
" Ooo tell us now." Liliah smiled.
" No it's Harry's time. Well tell you soon though." Remus shook his head.
" Ah boo." Liliah waved her hand.
" Thanks for the support sis." Harry deadpanned.
" Awe your welcome little brother." Liliah cooed as she hugged him and ruffled his hair.

" One day." Harry looked up at her.
" Never." Liliah gave him a nose scrunch and shook her head.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now