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Godric's Hollow the place where James, Lily and Harry almost died. Not Liliah's first choose on where to spend Christmas Eve. However it remind her of the Christmas she spent with Peggy and her dad in a little suburban neighborhood just like this.

Peggy's kids rarely come home for Christmas so it was just them three together in a small cozy house. This is when an eight year old Liliah would pretend Peggy and Steve were here biological parents. So much has changed for Liliah since then.

" Harry, Li, someone's watching us." Hermione told them.
They looked to the side and saw an old woman watching them intensely.
" Who is that?" Liliah asked.
" I think I know." Harry said before making his way to her.
Liliah and Hermione followed right behind him not missing a beat.

Harry asked her something and she gave him a small nod. Then she started walking away again and the three followed her. They walked into a house and the old woman started to try and light a candle. Harry help her and she started walking up the stairs. Harry followed.

" I have a bad feeling about this." Liliah told Hermione as they inspected the downstairs.
" I do to." Hermione nodded.
Liliah's hand went to her necklace. She felt her dads dog tags hanging just below her shield necklace. She always wanted to be like her dad, now she could. He fought a war and went into dangerous situations, now it was her turn.

The girls split up and started searching the house. Liliah walked down on hall way and stopped immediately in her tracks. In front of her was a shedded snake skin, it was long and huge. That's what she said, shut up Liliah focus.

Liliah heard footsteps above her. She looked up and recognized Harry's walking pattern. Liliah turned around and made her way back to the living room. She walked up the stairs trying to find Harry and the old woman.

She heard violent shacking coming from down the hall. Liliah ran towards it and saw a snake trying to attack Harry who held a stool as protection. Liliah shot a spell at the snake. The snake turned and snapped at her.

" Move Harry! Stupefy!" Liliah shouted.
Harry jumped to the side and the snake flew back and through the wall into another room. Liliah rushed to Harry.
" Are you okay?" Liliah asked kneeling down next to him.
" Yeah my arms cut pretty bad though." Harry showed her his wound.
Liliah inspected it.
" Let's get out of here and I'll heal it." Liliah helped him up.

The snake started towards them again. Liliah basically dragged Harry away. Hermione shot the snake and it flew through some old floor boards. Hermione grabbed Harry's lost wand and handed it to him. They waited a moment and the snake jumped back at them. Liliah threw another spell and Hermione grabbed her arm and Harry's hand. They apparated away.


Liliah finished healing Harry's arm.
" Thanks Li. Pretty smart of me to bring a healer with me on my mission." Harry teased.
" Yeah without me you could have got this infection then died." Liliah nodded.
Harry look at her with wide eyes.
" Just fucking with you. Eh, kinda." Liliah told him.

Harry chuckled and stood up.
" Woah woah where are you going?" Liliah asked.
" To talk to Hermione." Harry pulled a jumper over his head.
" Harry you need to rest-" Liliah started but was interrupted by her phone ringing.
Harry smiled triumphantly and walked out of the tent.
" Little shit." Liliah mumbled and grabbed her phone.

" Hello." Liliah said not even the caller ID.
" Hey Lils." Tony's voice said.
" Hi Tony. How are you?" Liliah asked sitting back down on the bed.
" Fine, me and Rhodes just got back from his doctors appointment." Tony told her.
" Is he okay?" Liliah asked.
" Just a cheek-up. Passed with flying colors." Tony assured her.
" Good to know." Liliah nodded.

" Peter mention something very interesting the other day. Something about you being on the run?" Tony asked but it was more of a statement.
" Ugh, big mouth. Yes I am on the run, with my brother." Liliah told him.
" Rogers..." Tony sighed.
" Like father like daughter." Liliah joked.

" I though sending you to live with your parents would prevent something like his from happening." Tony said.
" Old habits die hard. You should know that better then anyone." The corners of Liliah's mouth started to turn up.
" I forgot how much I like you." Tony chuckled.
" You always she that." Liliah said.
" Because it's true." Tony rebutted.
" Have you umm have you heard from them?" Liliah asked.
" No, have you?" Tony asked.

" Not in a while." Liliah shook her head.
" Happy misses you." Tony told her.
" I miss him too. Oh can you tell him something for me?" Liliah asked.
" Sure kid, what's up?" Tony said.
" Tell him he was right. Cedric is gay." Liliah smiled.
Tony stayed silent for a moment.
" Is that some sort of code?" Tony asked.
" He'll know what it means." Liliah reassured.

" Okay....I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon." Tony told her.
" Bye Tony. Love you." Liliah said.
" Love you too Lils." Tony hung up.

Hermione walked into the tent.
" Where's Harry?" Liliah asked.
" He went off. Took the locket and my wand with him." Hermione told her.
Liliah sighed and fell back on the bed.
" I think this is what Tony feels like." Liliah mumbled to herself.

" Hey Liliah, can I ask you something?" Hermione asked.
" Sure." Liliah said still laying on her back.
" When did you know you loved Fred?" Hermione asked.
Liliah's eyes widen and she sat up.
" Well umm I think a few days after the Yule Ball. I was in New York and it was New Years. It was the count down to midnight and I was going to kiss Peter." Liliah started.

" And I did and as I was kissing him I found myself wanting it to be Fred. The kiss wasn't nothing compared to how Fred kissed me. I realized how much I missed him and I was only gone for a few days. That's when I realized." Liliah told her.
Hermione nodded.
" How did you go from hating him to loving him?" Hermione asked.
" I never truly hated him. But it definitely wasn't over night. It took years. I mean almost the same amount of time it took you and Ron." Liliah said.

Hermione's face went red.
" That's what this is about isn't it? Ron?" Liliah asked but already knew the answer.
Hermione opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
" He left us. He kissed Lavender after I asked him out. He ruined the Yule Ball for me." Hermione said.

" He made mistakes. Trust me all men do, especially Weasley men. But so do we. However we mature we grow, doesn't mean we still won't make mistakes just means it will be few and far between. Ron's a good guy, there's not a lot of them out there. Now I'm not telling you to settle or praise Ron for doing the bare minimum. However we can't help who we love and you two love each other. There's just no point in hating someone you love." Liliah explained.

" Thank you Liliah." Hermione gave her a small smile letting her words sink in.
" Of course. Loving a Weasley is a hard job. But hey someone had to do it." Liliah joked.
Hermione chuckled and nodded in agreement.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now