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Liliah, Peter, Aunt May and the visitors arrived at Happy's apartment. Max immediately turned on the TV and Flint sat on the couch and got sand all over it.
" Oh sorry." Flint wiped off the sand but just getting more sand on the couch while doing so.
" Thank god we're not at my house." Liliah mumbled.
" So if this you're plan Peter? No lab, no materials just preforming miracles in a condominium hm? Just gonna cook us some frozen burritos in a microwave?" Otto asked.

" I could go for a burrito." Norman chimed in.
" He's going to kill us." Otto said.
" Well let's hope not." Liliah said.
" You're up first Doc. Li, you ready?" Peter looked over at her.
" Sure thing." Liliah followed him.
" What? I told you I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing! Especially from two teenagers with scraps from a junk drawer!" Otto yelled.
" Nah, Nah he's got something big back there. I can feel it." Max said as he and the others followed.

Peter took the sheet of the machine.
" Oh Happy." Liliah shook her head and chuckled.
" I know." Peter smiled.
" What the hell is that?" Norman asked.
" It's a fabricator. It can design, create anything you can think of." Peter explained and Liliah pushed the button for it to come on.
" Oh look at that." Max eyed the arc reactor.
" Oh no, no, no. This is a big no, no. A no touch zone. Capeesh?" Liliah said.

They all just looked at her.
" Alright, everyone back to the living room. We've got work to do." Liliah shooed them out.

After awhile Liliah, Peter, and Norman found what was wrong with Octavius.
" Okay so the chip in the back of Otto's neck built to protect his brain from the AI controlling the tentacles but if you look here-"
Liliah took a bit of the hologram in her hand to show them.
" It's fried. So rather of him controlling the tentacles the tentacles are controlling him. Which I guess shows why he's so miserable all the time." Peter finished explaining.

They started making a new chip. Peter put on the goggles and started creating a new one.
" A little to the left Pete, yes, yep right there. Perfect." Liliah helped instruct him.
" Remarkable. The technology and you two. Ya know when all of this is over if you kids need a job and are willing to commute to another universe-" Norman started.
Peter placed the last piece.
" It's ready." Liliah smirked.

Peter smiled at her and grabbed the chip.
" It's ready!" Peter called to Aunt May.
May got Otto ready.
" Oh will these humiliations never cease! Get you're science project away from me!" Otto shouted.
" Hold still." Liliah grabbed his shoulder as Peter began placing the new chip in.
" I swear when I get out of this-" Otto started but he passed out.

Liliah and Peter stepped away.
" Doc? Doc?" Peter asked.
Liliah grabbed onto Peter's arm worriedly.
" Doctor Octavius." Liliah said.
Suddenly his head popped back up and he started breathing heavily. Liliah out a breathe of relief.
" It's so quite. Those voices inside my head-I had almost forgotten." Otto said.

" Otto?" Norman asked.
" Yes Norman. It's me." Otto smiled.
" We did it LiLi." Peter turned to her.
" The fucking dream team you and me, I'm tellin' ya." Liliah smiled and faced him.
He hugged her and Liliah squeezed him happily. He pulled away and grabbed her hand before pulling her downstairs. Otto placed his tentacle on Peter's chest and gave him, his suit back.

" I'm grateful, to both of you. Truly." Otto shook their hands.
" No problems. It's sorta what we do." Liliah lightly bonked her shoulder with Peter's.
" How can I help?" Otto asked.


Liliah sat on the couch next to Max with Peter in front of him.
" Okay-I'm just going to put that there. And uh this should drawing power now. I'll be back in a second to check it, but Li is going to here the whole time-so she's fix it if something goes wrong. It won't though but if it does-I'm going to stop talking now. Oh wait so when the lights are all green it means all the electricity in your body is dissipated. But not all of it, you need it for your brain and nervous system. I don't know why I'm expo this to you-" Peter rambled.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now