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Chp 28: Midnight Snacks.

It is around fifteen minutes past midnight and all I have been doing is twisting and turning in my bed. I just can't get any sleep. Mostly it is because I have been thinking about everything that happened today.

First, the match. It was pretty interesting. Then the Reece and his injury thing. Damn, it was kinda bad. Then obviously the whole Rebecca and Jackson thing that took place. I dont even want to go there right now.

'But if you go to see it is not Jacksons fault. The poor guy didn't even know Rebecca was going to do such a thing.... you cant blame him' That stupid inner voice starts again.

I know its right. But I dont want to believe it. Forget about the almost kiss, I dont care that happened. Jackson did push her away. But again, he did flirt with her too, in front of me!

'Maybe that wasnt flirting. Maybe it was just some misunderstanding'

Maybe it was. Maybe it wasnt. I dont know. I do want to hear what he has to say about it. But then again, I even dont want to at the same time.

I sigh. Maybe I should hear him out. I will just text him tomorrow. Yeah, that is a good idea.

Tomorrow. The fact that, Reece Clark is sleeping in my house, and will be in here tomorrow too, when I wake up is just totally weird.

I mean only ten hours ago, I hated his guts. And now... we are friends? Its just weird. Non-acceptable for some reason. Him being all friendly, apologizing and then flirting too to some extent. Maybe all this is just the side effects of him falling on the ground during the match or something.

I really need to go to sleep though. All these things, I will figure out tomorrow when I am fresh. I take a deep breath and close my eyes when I hear someone knock at my door.

"Yea?" I ask.

"Haley, can I come in?" Reece asks.

"What is it?" I open the door quickly.

"Um, wanna have Oreos?" He bites his lip and asks me holding a pack of Oreos in one hand.

I laugh. "Sure...."

We walk back down to the living room.

"Why are you eating Oreos at this hour?" I ask and sit on the couch folding both my legs.

"I was craving them. Whenever I cant sleep I eat them, but as this isnt my home, I felt a little weird eating alone... so I called you too." He explains and sits down too.

"Oh. Okay." I smile and take one.

"Tell me about your friends." He asks.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Anything..." he says with a mouthfull of the biscuit.

And I start telling him about Sam, and Kale and Ryan, I dont tell him much about Jackson. I just tell him that he is Ryans cousin. Luckily, Reece doesnt ask me anything about who I went on a date with. Then he too tells me about his friends.

"My best friend is Michael. He had moved here when he bought a new house. He lived on rent back in my hometown. And my luck, I shifted here and so we caught up on everything as he moved last summer only so thats very less time. He is the only guy I hang around for now and his other friend Brent. You know, I am new here.. people wanna be my friend but when they know I am Mike's bestfriend they start moving away... I dont know why though."

"Maybe he is the badboy of your school or something." I say.

"Well, I dont know. But I do know that he and Clayton are sworn enemies." He says.

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