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Chp 9: Choices.

I feel like throwing up for some reason. I feel sick all of a sudden. All these things happening right now are way too much to take at once. Jackson joining school, Tracy in the hospital, Rebecca being the bitch she is and Jackson again. Urgh!

How could he do this? After all it's just been like four days of him being here. I didn't think of he would be so low. But, whatever. It's not like we are dating...

'So why are you feeling so betrayed then?' asks my subconscious mind.

Gah! What bad memories I have this mind. 'I don't know. I really don't.'

"Haley! What's wrong?" Kale sits by my side.

"Hey Kale." I give him a sad smile. He sometimes always knows when I'm upset or angry even.

"Disclose the name of the ass who has made by pretty best friend upset, right now."

"It's nothing really, it's just.... I'm just... just worried about Tracy that's all. They're saying its a hard chance this time, not sure if she'll live. I don't know if I can live with that. It's Tracy we are talking about." I try not to cry.

"Hey, come here." He engulfs me in a tight hug.

"Stay strong alright. I know you love her but would she like it if you cried? No, right? C'mon let's get you to class, babe." He whispers in my hair.

"Thank you, Kale. You somehow always manage to brighten me up." I say and get up.

"Anytime, babe. Hey, wanna bunk? We have lunch right after this."

I think that's just what I need.

"Yeah, why not. I need a break from all this."

"C'mon then. The bleachers it is!"

Bleachers. How I love this place. Whenever Kale and I decide on bunking class or just chatting either during lunch or after school or practice, we sit on the bleachers and talk. Just talk. It's our place.

"So how's it going with Jess?" I ask him as we sit.

"Jess, is just being her cute little self as usual. I am planning on asking her out this weekend finally, when we meet for the final touch ups for our project." He tells me.

"You really like her like her?"

"Yes." I see a blush creep his face.

"Aww, you are so into her. You are blushing dude."

"Shut up." His cheeks turn darker.

"Ahaa, Kale is blushing!" I clap my hands and tease him more.

He's just so cute right now. As I'm teasing him more his cheeks are turning more crimson.

"Kale and Jess are sitting on a tree...."

"Stop it. That is so kiddish of you." He says.

"Mehh.." I stick my tongue out to him.

"Enough of me. Now it's your turn. What about you?"

"Me? What about me?" I ask him confused.

"Haley." He says in a monotone.

"Well. There's no one."

"Hales.." He seems to be serious all of a sudden.


"You like Jackson, don't you?" He asks me and catches me off guard.

"Woah, what?"

"I can see it, you always blush when he is around. And c'mon let's face it, you have never ever, I repeat never EVER blushed looking at a guy since Zach."

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