Chapter 3/4

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Uri stared at the ship she would be boarding, her bag had already been placed on the ship. The sailors who'd be flying were moving back and forth talking and checking the ships insides.

"Are you sure about this?"

Uri couldn't help but roll her eyes, as she turned to face her concerned mother. Jess had spent the last two months coaching her, and teaching her how to cook and take care of her things like a normal girl.

"Mom! I'm fine, I'm going to be fine!" She walked forward placing to hands on her mother's shoulders, "You've taught everything I need, and with this disguise I'm going to be unnoticeable."

Jess looked over her daughter, her light amber like skin had been turned into a deep rosewood. Her blue had been dimmed to a dark grey, despite their efforts it still looked attractive. Her height had even been shrunk from 5'8 to 5'5. Her camo pants, and beige hoody were loose except for her upper half.

Jesse narrowed her eyes, "I wish you hadn't asked for those."

Her glanced down and flushed, "I thought it would be for sure way to confuse people." She cleared her throat, "Where's dad?"

Jess glanced behind her, "He said something about meeting with the captain." Suddenly the bells went off, turning back to Uri Jess placed a hand on her cheek, "Remember, don't draw attention to yourself, and be brave. I love you."

Her mother pressed her lips to her cheek, and turned and walked out of the room.

Uri watching her mother leave, felt her chest tighten painfully. Reaching into her shirt, she pulled out the amulet her mother had given her. It was made of iron, and was twisted in an intricate pattern. Brushing her thumb across it she whispered a silent prayer. Laying down, she prepared herself for the gas that would put her to sleep for the next few days of travel.


Groaning, Uri stretched her arms above her head. Feeling her muscles pop, she rolled her neck trying to get rid of the stiffness in her body.

She swung her legs over the side of the cot, and stood. Shaking her head when she felt a wave of dizziness hit her, she regained her balance. Checking the time on her watch-a present from her dad. She reached up and grabbed her black duffle bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder she made her way out towards the main hull.

"Dude, Shelby!" Hearing her Alias name called she turned, only to find herself pulled into a bear hug. "Ha-ha, dad wasn't lying, you've come to."

Groaning as the large behemoth slapped her back hard. Uri growled, and slammed the heel of her foot on the assaulter's foot.

He yelped jumping back. "Owe, what'd you do that for?"

She smirked, "Because, dear, you were crushing me to death Smason."

Smason smiled, as usual. The gold in his green eyes sparkled. His height wasn't to be laughed at though, standing at 6'0. The idiot loved to play wrestle her, even though he outweighed her by like 30 pouds. He didn't really understand the word 'restraint'; but Uri chalked it up to him being the son of Taltih, the general of the Trixian army.

"C'mon love be nice." He crooned

"I don't believe your father wanted you to assault Shelby, Smason." A chilly voice spoke.

Smason and Uri turned and faced Veron who just exited the hull of the ship, he was carrying two bags that looked too heavy for the shorter male.

"Veron," Smason pouted, "Every time Shelby cries wolf you come running."

"Cry wolf?!" Uri gave him a nasty look.

Setting down the two heavy Duffel bags, Veron brushed his black curls out of his eyes, "Because most of the time, you are doing something that deserves punishment."

Uria scoffed, "Hah! If that's not the truth I don't know what is." Letting her anger go, she faced Veron her eyes serious, "So a boy huh, how'd your mom take it?"

He shrugged, smirking, "Like she takes everything, fainting, screaming and lamenting that my father doesn't have the backbone to discipline me."

"Ha-ha, she acts like it's him, every time Uncle gets the belt out, she runs over trying to stop him." Smason added in, "You're going to be annoyingly hot to the girls at our school."

Veron shrugged again, his black eyes sparkling with humor, "Why do you think I chose a boy?"

Hearing this Uri, and Smason both busted forth with laughter.


"So I'm Shelby?" Uri asked aloud as she looked over the documents and papers. She and her friends, had been brought to the ambassador's home where they were getting the ID's and visa's required for them to function on the Nyol planet.

Uri hadn't been able to turn her eyes away from the sight outside, when they'd been rode over here on a hover bus. Sky scrapers, seemed to be the only thing these people knew how to build, she'd thought that until they'd turned a corner, and it's seemed like someone had taken a page out of a historical romance drama. Horse drawn carriages, and vendors had lined the cobble stoned streets.

The contrast had taken her for a loop.

"Ah Yes, your mother wished for you to have that name." Lifting her eyes from the picture Shelby smiled at Poltician Mathis, he was short round man with graying salt-pepper hair. His light blue eyes were soft, and welcoming.

He placed his hand on the front of his coat, absently messing with the button of his brown suit jacket.

"She made it very clear, that you are to check in with us every-day by flyer, at 8pm earth time."

Shelby nodded, muttering, "I'm sure she did."

"What was that?" Mathis asked.

She quickly shook her head, "Uh nothing," changing the subject she asked, "So is there anything I should know about Tahmis?"

Mathis face became thoughtful, before something seem to come to mind. "Ah, how could I forget?" He rushed over to his desk, and rummaging through his drawers he pulled out what looked to be a badge. Walking over he handed it to Shelby, "Since the sudden drop of the female species, on certain Alliance planets, there have been some new laws. Claimed females must wear a pen, if you are not wearing it, you are up for grabs by any male."

Shelby felt her jaw drop as she put on her badge, "That's crazy! The girls don't have a say on the matter?"

Mathis hmm'ed, "Well, the school here are filled with young-woman from other sectors who are eager to make a match with a noble. So if a man finds you appealing he will put in an offer, for you. Most young woman here would gladly take it. And there is of course offers simply for sexual pleasure, those offers require the females permission." Mathis, tapped his lower lip, "Still the closer you are to the Keehan family, the less likely you need approval of the family for the claiming."

Shelby decided nothing good would come from her mouth, so she focused on fastening on her pen. Once finished, she followed Mathis out into the Hallway where she met with Smason, and Varon before they headed to campus.

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