Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - Saving them.

Riddhima woke up feeling restless like something bad was going to happen she quickly freshened up and went to pray, she thought she might feel better while Vansh was talking to Chang for an upcoming deal. He had promised to meet him alone wherever he wanted.

Riddhima was doing pooja when the diya suddenly snuffed, filling her with restlessness and dread, she thought this was somehow related to Vansh. She gave him the aarti and asked him where he was going, he told her he going for an important meeting. 

She tried to stopping him but he didn't listen saying it was an important deal, she tried to stall him by asking to dance with her, but still he went away. She tried following him she was stopped by Angre as Vansh had ordered everyone should stay home today.

The feeling of dread was coming in manifolds and she decided to take matters into her own hands and left the mansion through the secret passage to meet Vihaan, she knew only he can help her now.

Vihaan was doing some work, when he heard frantic knocking and Riddhima's voice calling him, he opened the door and asked 

Vi- Riddhima what happened? Is everything alright?

R- Vihaan, can you find out where Vansh went for his meeting, i am feeling very restless like he is in danger or something. 

Vihaan knew Vansh had gone to meet and to sell diamonds to him, but he wasn't sure if Riddhima knew about his mafia dealings. 

Vi- Biwi ji don't worry Vansh ko kuch nahi hoga, he is capable enough to handle meetings on his own.

R-😡 if you dont want to help then dont but tell me where he is, i will go there myself. 

Vi- Riddhima, listen this meeting is dangerous and you going there will put in you harm's way, please listen to me.

R- Vihaan,  please i am begging you meri gut feeling keh rahi hain he is in danger please.  

Riddhima starts crying and Vihaan couldn't see her like that, and he decides to take her to meet Vansh he can deal with the fallout later.

Here the deal was not going smoothly, someone had changed the diamonds and Chang and his goons had tried to kill Vansh.

Vihaan and Riddhima reached the house where meeting was being held and both were horrified to see it going up in flames, Riddhima moved forward but Vihaan stopped him he said.

Vi- Riddhima,  you stay i will go and search for Vansh, under no circumstance you will come out of the car okay.

R- nods her head, she then calls Angre and orders him to come here as soon as possible. It was quite a few minutes Vihaan hadn't come back, she gets out of the car, to do her own searching, she saw Vihaan bringing out an unconscious Vansh, what he didn't saw was someone aiming for him as well.

With all her might she pushed them both out of the way, the only sound was heard bullet firing and for one second she didn't even feel the pain and then she felt the searing pain and she falls unconscious darkness surrounding her vision, her last thought was that whether she did enough to save them.😭☹

Chang ji toh gayo dono bhai are not going to leave him. And who do you think will feel more guilty, Vansh or Vihaan. 

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