Chapter 61

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Chapter 61- Treatment and Finding the truth.

Riddhima was sitting in her cabin, looking at the reports she was constantly rubbing her forehead. The medications were giving her headaches and body aches, even a single touch makes her body pain. 

Though Vansh and Vihaan still don't know about her pregnancy and she feels bad not telling them, how she hoped things were different, a part her and them is inside of her and she can't even tell them the truth. 

Angre was having a hard time keeping the truth from Vansh, he would in different ways wanted to know what had actually happened that night. He was getting angry at Riddhima for hiding about her pregnancy. 

He had decided to come and talk to her when he found her crying in her cabin. He hugged her, and she cried, finally telling him about her condition and what could happen to her baby. Angre was sad but he knew that both the boys need to know the truth as well.

A- Riddhima i know you will be angry, but i think you should tell them the truth. They deserve to know. They are the baby's father.

R- I am scared of losing the child bhai.

A- What about them losing you? Or Rihaan losing her mother? Do you really think the three of them could survive without you. Just think please. 

Riddhima was in a dilemma she didn't know what to do, one hand she wanted the child and on the other hand she knew how bad both of them would feel if they came to know about it from somewhere else. 

She reached home and sat on the sofa, Vansh was cooking the food. Suddenly she felt Vihaan pulling her into his lap, he was trying to kiss her neck, but all Riddhima felt was pain

R- Vihaan please stop. 

Vi- No, Riddhima it's been days i have kissed you properly. Come on please waise bhi, Vansh gets more time with you these days. Vihaan tried to grab her waist when she shouted. 

R- VIHAAN,  enough am i just a tool of pleasure or what, i am saying no then why are forcing wishes doesn't matter or what 😡😡🥺

Vi- Riddhima i didn't mean that, i am sorry. 

Riddhima felt her ears were filled with cotton she couldn't hear what Vihaan was saying all she felt was pain in her stomach and need to vomit. She ran into the Kitchen and vomited, but it was blood, she was horrified, 

R- Blood...

Va- Riddhima what is happening? Yeh khoon?

She couldn't reply to any of their queries, she was feeling dizzy she clutches her stomach praying to God she doesn't lose her baby, the only thing both boys heard was her plea 'Please save my baby'.

PS- Will Riddhima and her baby be okay, and boys know about her pregnancy 🤪🤪😈😈

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