Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 - Telling the family 

Dadi, Sia and Angre had come to visit, the boys and Riddhima since they didn't allow her to leave the house. Rihaan was excited to be back, as usual he wouldn't let Riddhima go. 

They were all in her room, when Riddhima told them she was pregnant, Dadi gently hugged her and said 

D- I am so happy, i am going to be a great grandmother ( i hope i am right, i get totally confused with this🤪🤪).

S- Congrats Bhabhi, i am so happy, I get to spoil someone else.

Angre- Congrats sis, at least now i don't have to hide things from them.

Vi/Va- You knew.🤨🤨

Angre- Well your Riddhima didn't want me to tell you.

It was lunch time and everyone was downstairs, except Riddhima she was in her room, Vansh brought her lunch, but she didn't want to eat,

R- I want to go downstairs and eat with others please. 

V- No Riddhima, doctor told you to rest. He came near to hug, when she felt the need to vomit, she went to the bathroom and vomited. You alright?

R- It's you, stay away from me.

V- What do you mean?

Vi- What's happening?

R- Oh my god both of you stay away. I feel like vomiting due your perfume, either ditch the perfume or stay away from me.

She slowly went downstairs and slept in Rihaan's room, the others went back home. Rihaan had done his homework and gone to sleep. Riddhima was sitting on the sofa pouting, 

Vi- You alright?

R- I want icecream. 

Va- Sure, which one?

R- Strawberry, Mango,Chocolate and Vanilla all mixed together. 

Va- umm, are you sure you will be able to eat it all? Riddhima was starting to cry.

Vi- Vansh just go and get it dumbo. (Turns to Riddhima)Don't cry he is going to bring it. 

By the time he came back she was already asleep, he put all the icecream in the freezer. Slowly times passes by her checkup shows the baby is doing great. 

Riddhima came from the bathroom in an bra and underwear  and was throwing all the clothes in her wardrobe on the bed, when Vihaan came, he placed his hand on her hip and said

Vi- Not that i don't like the view but what are you doing?

R- My clothes are becoming tight, i don't have anything to wear. Tell me do i look fat?

Vi- Well you do look like you have gained weight..what?

R- GET OUT, 😡😡she pushes Vihaan outside the room and closes the door. 

Va- What did you do now?

Vi- I just told her the truth, she is looking fat.

Va- You are an idiot Vihaan, she is moody right now and you are calling her fat. Because of you she will punish me as well.😒😒

Things were going good, they had made the extra guestroom, the baby's room. Riddhima came downstairs slowly, and saw them baby proofing the house. They saw her and asked her

Vi- You just don't know how to sit still right. 

R-😋 We have an appointment in one hour.

Va- Baby's fine na?

R- Yes, The doctor is going to do ultrasound today thought you guys will like to come and see.

Vi/Va- Ya sure. Riddhima was going to sit on the sofa when all of sudden she felt dizzy, thanks to Vansh's quick reflex he caught her. She was unconscious and no amount of calling out would wake her up.

PS- Double Trouble 😂😂😂 Some love/sexy time.

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