Chapter 38

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Chapter 38- It was Ishani

When Riddhima had fallen she had unknowingly called Vansh's number. The trio was still talking when Vansh's phone rang, seeing Riddhima number he was confused why was she calling him, he thought wasn't she angry with him.

The minute he had picked up he heard her scream, he shouted her name in the phone but there was no answer it was just laboured breathing.

They all went in Angre's car towards his home, each of the afraid that something had happened to her.

The house was pitch dark and front door open, Angre quickly took care of the fuse, and they saw Riddhima lying in a pool of blood near the staircase.

They all ran towards her, tried to wake her up. Vihaan told them to take her to the hospital, as she was losing a lot of blood. The doctors took her to surgery. The knife had ruptured her appendix and it had to be taken out.

All of them were thinking who had done this. It was the doctor who gave them something which shook them. It was a blue diamond bracelet, which Ishani had gotten for her birthday by Angre.

Angre was mad, she had insulted him and he never said a thing, but she had not only killed her parents but also tried to kill Riddhima. Both the brothers were torn, their own sister is out to destroy their love.

PS - just a filler, what will the trio do now. Will Ishani be jailed or something else and will Riddhima know the truth about her attack.?

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