Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- Confusion galore and jealousy

Sejal and Riddhima met at their favourite cafe, where they ordered blueberry muffins and strawberry milkshake. Sejal was excited and bouncing off like a child on sugar high.

Ranvijay was actually Riddhima's patient ,he belonged to a rich family and liked to live off their money, a total spoilt brat who had an accident which led to breaking of his arm and quite a lot of trips to the physio.

It was on one such appointment he had met Sejal, and thinking her to be the new doctor started flirting with her, five minutes later he was staring at her with water on his face and clothes and having fallen already in love with Sejal. 😁😁😍😍

When you actually come to know him deep down he was looking for someone to love and care for him as Ranvijay and not some rich boy. But it took him almost a year to convince Sejal to date him, and rest as they say is history. 

Sejal had decided to suprise RV, his birthday was coming up and he had joined the business. She had decided to decorate his room with photographs of her and him,with family and will then propose him. 

His family were also on board with idea as they had seen the changes after Sejal came into his life. Riddhima smiled asked teasing her

R- If you had decided what the suprise is why did you call me here?😛😛

S- Arre yaar, i want to know ki how should i propose him, i mean what to say to him🤔🤔 oh my god!!!

R- What happened, 

S- RV is here, what to do if he sees me he will come to know about my suprise. 

R- Sejal relax, you leave through the back exit near the parking lot. I will distract. 

S- Thanks, You are best🙏🙏

Riddhima goes towards the bar area and keeps her hands on Rv eyes.

R- Guess who?

RV- Well i know only one person who is this kiddish, my sweet little sis Riddhu.😛😛😍😍😍

R- I am not a kid☹☹, waise you told Sejal you would be back on your birthday, why so early😏😏.?

RV- Come let's go the roof i want ask you something. Hand in Hand they went towards the roof where they can get some privacy. Unknown to them two people saw they, and boy were they Jealous. 😈😈

Sejal hurriedly went to towards the parking exit and it was at that time, Vihaan saw her, he thought that Riddhima would come out too, but she was nowhere to be seen. 

They had an important meeting here and Vihaan hadn't told Vansh about Riddhima going alone to meet Sejal. He looked towards Vansh and saw him glaring at some one, it was none other than Riddhima and some guy..Both thinking in their minds What the hell is happening.?

Va- You didn't tell me Riddhima had come to meet someone here and that too without security 🤨🤨

Vi- Well she told me she was meeting Sejal and he is not Sejal.😡😡

They followed them to the roof but couldn't hear what they were saying, suddenly RV went down on one knee and proposed Riddhima because they were practicing how to propose Sejal.

But for the two of them, it was maddening that some one else was proposing their Riddhima and on top of that she was smiling and saying yes.

They were mad, jealous, and wanted to punish her.😈😈 They went home canceling the meeting knowing their mood was ruined. 

Here Riddhima was happy that both his best friend and someone who she sees as a brother will marry soon.

She was missing her own boys. Surprisingly no one had messaged her,usually they always irritated her with constant calling and messaging but she loved it.

RV and Riddhima said their goodbye's and left for home. She messaged Sejal about RV had come back but will stay in a hotel as he still has some unfinished deal. So she shouldn't worry about her suprise. 

She was dead tired when she reached home all she wanted to do was sleep, but as she was going towards the stairs, she almost slipped due to the oil that had fallen on the floor, it was Kabir that saved her.

K- Are you alright Riddhima, (he was enjoying the feeling of her being in his arms)

R- I am fine, thank you for saving me., she called Mahesh and ordered him to clean the floor lest Dadi or Ishani fall and get hurt.

Riddhima went away not seeing the glares of Jealousy, madness and possessiveness😈😈😡😡 both brothers were throwing at her. Today is a bad day first that stranger and now kabir everyone trying to take Riddhima away.

Riddhima was feeling weird, both of them were behaving so weird, all quiet, brooding and grumpy,  Vansh she can understand, but Vihaan was always near her and try to flirt with her. Looking towards them, she saw they were looking at with anger.

She (thought) Oh God did Vansh came to know i had gone out to meet Sejal? Did he say something to Vihaan is that the reason he is angry too. They finished the dinner and went away without even acknowledging her. What happened 😭😭🤔🤨.

She was going back to her when someone pulled her into a room, it was Vihaan and he gripping her hand very tightly. She said

R- Vihaan let me go, you are hurting me.

Vi- (pulls her closer)And what about us, what about you hurting us. He suddenly kissed her,and it was not gentle it was all bite. She squirmed in hold when she felt Vansh opening her kurti's zipper from behind. Before she can blink she found herself completely naked. 

She tried to touch Vihaan when she felt a slap to her butt, she screamed 

R-Ahhhh, Vihaan what the hell!!!

Vi- You were very naughty today Riddhima (another slap).

Va-You lied to us(slap), let another man touch you(slap).

R- Before she could say something Vansh was kissing and biting her trying to gain entry into her mouth. And Vihaan was biting her neck, the mix of pain and pleasure was too much for her, she felt herself getting wet.

Not getting a release,she tried to touch herself when they both stopped her. They quickly removed their clothes and almost pounced on her. They wanted to leave their mark on every inch her skin.

They ordered her to pleasure them, she palmed them and started moving up and down slowly and then fast, both of them came with a shudder, Riddhima was growing frustrated as she was wanted her own release.

They both put one their fingers and moving it in and out of her and they would make her reach the edge and then stop.Vihaan again slapped her butt and asked her to beg,

Vi- (slap) Tell me what do you want 😈😈

R- Make me cum please. 🙈🙈🙈(This line was so hard for me to write🙈🙈🙈)

After a few moments of almost having her orgasm and being stopped right at the edge, they allowed her to reach her peak. Vihaan whispered possessively in her ears

Vi- Don't ever tease me or make me angry or even let another man touch you.😈😈

Va- You are only ours, and we won't hesitate to punish if you do this again😈😈

Exhausted she was almost asleep, Vihaan bathed her gently and rubbed soothing cream on her ass which had turned red. They both showered and changed and then slept peacefully hugging her tightly. 😈😈🥰🥰🥰

PS- How will Riddhima feel next morning, and i am thinking of Riddhima being thrown out by Dadi when she comes to know the truth and boys are not at home. That will show their madness for her, do you think it will make sense. 

Huge thanks to Lifesucks28 and Akkusharma 77 for giving me ideas and their precious comments, i have combined your asks. Hope you guys like it and it is sexy enough for you guys...🙈🙈🙈🙈


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