Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- The fear of losing. 

Ajay and Uma Raisinghania had an arranged marriage and though they were not in love with each other, they respected and trusted each other. Their family started growing when she gave birth to twins Vansh and Vihaan. 

They were polar opposite to each one was shy and introvert other was naughty but when they were together they were the best crime partner, always pranking each other family members. 

Few years later Ishani and Sia completed the family. And though most of the attention was divided in Vansh, Ishani and Sia. It was Vihaan who was the carefree child and glue of the family. 

But one fateful night everything had changed. Uma knew nothing of Ajay's mafia dealings and when she asked him to stop, he gave her the choice to be either accept him as he is, or leave the house.  

Uma didn't want to be related to mafia person, so she wrote a letter to her kids and she took the car and went away not knowing Vihaan was hiding in the car while the children were playing hide and seek.

Anupriya had planned the accident of Uma and both were injured, but maybe God was watching over them that night, it was Uma's friend who found a dying Uma and she requested her friend to take care of Vihaan. 

Vihaan due to the trauma of the accident and seeing his mother's death started having issues with his memory.

It wasn't until he had grown up and started going to college and saw Vansh did his memories return. And since then only Vansh knows about Vihaan being alive.

The same fear and dread Vansh had felt on the night of Uma and Vihaan's accident he felt now, he couldn't lose his Riddhima at any cost, both brother's looked at each other and they both decided they were ready to share her,they cant lose anyone else they both loved, just the question of sharing this news with Riddhima was what filled them with confusion 🤔🤔😏😏 how will she react?

So, i hope this clears on the background of how much family knows about the twins.And what will Riddhima say, should i put memory loss prank in it😂😂🤪

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