Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- Our lifeline 

Flashback (before Riddhima is thrown out of the house)

Kabir was irritated, he had got almost everything he wanted, the Raisinghania name and money.  But what he wanted the most was Riddhima, it was bad enough Vansh was always around her, but now even Vihaan is with her. 

There is something going on between the three of them. Stealing glances, coming out of each other room late at night, subtle touches by Vihaan,  he had a feeling but wanted it to be wrong. 

As usual he went snoop around Riansh's room and what he saw made him feel disgusted, Riddhima sleeping with both them, he scoffed in anger 😡😡and thought 

K- You never allowed me to come close to you. But you allow Vansh's brother to touch you. Well if you can't be mine, i will not allow you to be anyone else. He quickly took pictures of them and saved them so he could get rid of her later. 

The opportunity came when Vansh and Vihaan had to go away for a deal, he went to Dadi and showed her the pictures and manipulated her to think Riddhima was playing with both brothers. 

As expected she threw her out and he sneakily followed her, and saw her going to the cliff side, and he saw this as a good opportunity to destroy the brothers so he pushed her off the cliff. 


RV missed rock climbing since he was busy with handling dad's business. He was there at cliffside when he saw a body fall into the water.

He was horrified to see it was Riddhima, she had slight pulse and he quickly took her to hospital. The doctors were forced to put her in a coma to reduce the swelling in her brain and it was still not sure if she would ever wake up. 

Here both brothers were restless the whole day, she was not picking up their call or not messaging them. When they returned home the mansion was too quiet, all the family members were sitting there except Riddhima. 

Dadi was the one who came up to them, and suddenly slapped Vihaan, she said

Vi- How can you do this to your own brother. You having a relationship with his wife is so disgusting 

Vi(angry)She is our wife, and where is she?.

D- I have told the lawyer to bring divorce papers, Vansh you will give her divorce and that is final my decision. 

Va- No, i will not. 😡😡 My whole life i have did everything for the happiness of this family. And what i get in return only betrayal. 

You talk about what Riddhima is doing is wrong,what about what you guys did to her,huh.? Ishani tried to torture her by putting her in coal filled room.

Aryan trying to force himself on her when i was on the business trip and what not i have all the proofs and don't worry i wont leave you guys so easily 😡😡😡

Vi- You guys dont deserve our Riddhima she has nothing but sacrificing, you guys didn't even take care of her when Vansh had to fake his own death you all were all about your sadness but what about her sadness. 

I really don't care about you people anymore, the only important person in my life is Riddhima and Vansh. So i hope you guys didn't do anything to Riddhima. 

S- Bhai, Dadi had thrown her out of the house when she came to know Bhabhi might be playing with both your feelings and since then i haven't been able to contact her, even Angre cannot find her.

VI/VA- What!!!😡😡😡

At the same time Vansh's phone had an incoming call from an unknown number, angry and ready to shout at the person he picked and before he can say anything 

S- Mr. Raisinghania, its me Sejal

V- Sejal? Do you know where Riddhima is?

S- She is in City hospital, she fell down a cliff, it was my fiancee who found her. Please come soon.

Both Vihaan and Vansh were on the verge of crying they couldn't fathom a life were Riddhima was  not present. 😭😭😭

The phone was on speaker and everyone heard what happened to Riddhima and everyone were scared what both of them will do if something happens to her. 


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