Chapter 58

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Chapter 58- Emotions 

The boys were now confirmed something was definitely wrong with Riddhima. She has been avoiding them for 2 days, she wasn't even allowing them to touch her. She was spending all her time with Rihaan. They knew they have find out the truth. 

Riddhima went to work, Vihaan and Vansh searched everywhere in their room hoping they would come to know something. There were no clues in their room. They went to Rihaan's room. Vihaan found Riddhima's medical file hidden in Rihaan's toy box.

The report said Riddhima had incompetent cervix and that she will have problems conceiving. They both were shocked and sad as well. She was hurt and she was not talking to them.

Riddhima was free there were not many patients today. She went to the nursery where new babies were kept. She looked through the glass window and slightly rubbed her tummy, sad that she would never be able to experience being a  mother. 

In the evening, she went back to her room, and saw everything scattered, she realised both of them had tried to find out the truth about her behavior. She ran to Rihaan's room and searched his toy box when he heard Vihaan's voice 

Vi- Looking for this? showing the file.

Va- Why didn't you tell us the truth Riddhima. 

R- There is nothing to tell. I am just damaged goods nothing else. 

Vi- Don't say that. Just because you cannot have children doesn't mean you are damaged goods. 🥺🥺

Va- We love you, it doesn't matter that we don't have any children. You and Rihaan are our world. 

R- But what about me, what about my dreams of having your children. I can't even give you both someone who is ours. I don't even feel like i am worthy of your love.

Vi/Va- Don't say, that please. You are more than worthy for us. Believe us please. 

Riddhima was crying mess, she was blaming herself for not being capable of giving them any happiness. She feel unconscious due all the crying. She woke up, she was sleeping in their room.

Vi- Can i ask you something?

R- Sure

Vi- Why do you love Rihaan? Even though he is not your child.

R- He is my child. Even though he is not my blood he is our child. 

Va- So if we can love a child who was not ours, why not we do it again?

R- You mean adopt another child. 

Vi- Riddhima we are saying again, it doesn't matter to us if don't get pregnant. What matters is your health. We can adopt another child. Or Rihaan can be our only child. But never feel that you don't keep us happy. 

Va- We are so lucky to have you. 

In the following days, she was slowly becoming herself, she still wouldn't let them touch her, but she was now sleeping in their room.

She was slowly coming to terms with the fact that she can never have a child. But she didn't knew life was going to throw her another curve ball. 

Ps- Next chapter, Riddhima is sick, is she pregnant? And how will the boys react. 

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