Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 - The decision 

Vansh and Vihaan quickly took Riddhima to the hospital, her doctor saw her and understood the situation, Riddhima had confided in her that she hasn't told her husband about the pregnancy. She took over, gave her a complete check up.

Riddhima woke up feeling her head would just burst, she saw herself in hospital room and woke up suddenly causing another dizzy spell. Someone helped her to sit properly it was Vihaan, 

R- What am i doing here?

Vi- Why did you lie to us Riddhima?

R- What do you mean?

Vi- We know you are pregnant Riddhima. Did you not for once think what would happen to us, or Rihaan,  if something happens to you. 

R- I was scared, i am sorry.🥺🥺 Where is Vansh?

Vi- He is very angry with you. I will take care of things here.

The doctor came and told Riddhima that due to the emotional stress this happened, the baby is fine right now, but she needs complete bed rest. She was discharged under strict orders to take rest and take medicines on time.

The whole ride both were quite, Riddhima was sad and afraid that Vansh will not listen to her explanation, they reached home, Vihaan carried her to their room.

R- Vihaan, i want to talk to you guys.

Vi- Not right now, seeing you like that again was horrifying. Take rest we will talk tomorrow. 

Riddhima felt like crying, again in her stupidity she had hurt them, she fell into a restless sleep due to medication. Vansh had came into her room early in the morning, he was furious with her how could she do something like that to them. He sat near her, he saw she was waking up and was going to leave when she held his hand. 

R- I am sorry. She hugged him and he also hugged him back. 

Va- Don't ever do this again got it.

Vi- Good you are here. Riddhima why did you hide the truth. 

R- I was scared, that you would ask me to abort the child. 

Vi- But isn't it a safe option, what if something happens to the baby later on in pregnancy. 

Va- Vihaan!!!

R- No, he is right Vansh but no matter the risk, i want to have this baby. The doctor said If take medication and rest the pregnancy would be somewhat normal. 

Va- Fine, if you want to keep the baby you can, but promise me you will take care of yourself, and do whatever the doctor says. Vihaan?

Vi- Whatever, it's not as if my feelings are important. 

R- Vihaan 🥺🥺

Va- Don't worry, he is still angry with you, and kind of sad with what you said last night. 

R- I didn't mean to, i was in pain due to the medication, he caught me in a bad mood. 

Va- Please don't hide things from us.

R- Can I come downstairs with you, i want to talk to him.

Va- Fine, he picks her up, takes her down stairs, Vihaan glares at them. Be nice, he said to Vihaan. 

R- Vihaan ,please look at me, i am sorry. 

Vi- Do you really think i force myself on you.

R- No, i was in pain last night, and it got the better of me, i am sorry. 

Vi- You have to take care of yourself, i can't lose you. He hugged her and started to cry. I can't lose you.

R- You won't i promise. 

Vi- So, can i start off where i left?😋😋. Riddhima kissed him first, she carefully sat on his lap,and started kissing him, biting his lips, he moans and opens his mouth,their tongue fight, slowly their kisses slow down, and they sat hugging each other. 

Vansh slowly came behind and pulled her into his lap, my turn now, he too kissed her for long time, she felt good in between them where she belonged she fell asleep still tired but happy when she felt their hands caressing her stomach, they had finally accepted the child.

PS- Telling the family, mood swings, sexy times. And another shocking revelation. 😋😋😋😱😱

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