You lose your ring ✅

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You and Taylor are having a great time dancing and watching the American Music awards. You and Taylor already had a few drinks and you both were singing loudly with the performers.

As you were dancing to Demi Lovato's Cruel For The Summer you glanced down at one of your rings and realized it gone.


It's not your ring.

You are borrowing it with this dress get came with it as the designer said she loved these rings that went along with the silver dress you were wearing.

"Where is my ring?!" You shout realizing on of your rings fell off.

You look down at the ground but don't see anything,

"What's wrong Y/N?" Taylor asks you worried

"One of my rings is gone!" You shout and point to your finger.

Taylor quickly realizes what you said and she curses,

"Shit where did it go?!" Taylor shouts and begins to look with you.

As you and Taylor where looking on the ground the people next to you began to look down wondering what you two where doing.

You told the people next to you what happened and they begin to look as well and some turned on the flashlights on their phones.

"Fuck what if we can't find it Taylor?" You asked.

"It's okay. I will pay for the designer." Taylor said.

"But Taylor that's a lot of money." You said.

You know money isn't a problem with Taylor. You just want to find the ring and give it back.

You feel so irresponsible.

"Is that it!?" Someone shouts and shinning the flashlight on the ground two seats away from you.

"THATS IT!" You shout happily and put it back on.

The people around you cheer and Taylor hugs you,

"See I knew we could find it." She said.


Author's Note

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