Chapter 12: The night at the club

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"This is so boring man really."

The five teenagers around me had been repeating the same sentence using different words and phrases for the last one hour.

We were at Hannah's personal mansion, yes, her personal. Jack and Eric were opening new beer cans every few minutes, Hannah was eating her imported cherries and Jacob was of course pulling strokes from his joint. Me and Bella, we were doing what we actually met for, our assignments, that were due in two days. Bella more than me, I instead kept checking my phone every half a minute.

"Right bro! You're right. High school is fucking boring." Jack whined after Eric clinking their cans.

"Well, it always has interesting gossip if you look around." Hannah hissed in her snake-like voice and I already knew it wasn't good, nothing with her ever was.

"Mhmm." Jack kissed her on the neck. "Humour me."

She stayed silent for the next few moments, staring right at me. "You'll know soon yourself, high school gossips are spicier when it reaches you on its own." She slithered once again. Her eyes were still on me.

"Guys seriously. You're all so boring. Let's go somewhere!" Jacob seemed least interested in Hannah's gossip making her sigh hopelessly at his reaction.

"Yooo! My brooo! You're an angel." Jack kissed him on his cheek, he was definitely drunk.

"Let's go...... Clubbing!" Eric raised his hand and shook the can in the air, spilling the beer all around, not caring at all.

"Woohoooo! And this is why you're my best friend dude! Because you are the best." Jack reciprocated.

Bella and I ducked to save our projects and books, but our tablets couldn't be saved and were drunk by then. Bella gave me a frustrated look and I blinked knowingly to acknowledge.

"Yes. Let's go," I added making all the eyes turn to me.

"W-what?" Eric suddenly sounded sober.

"Let's go clubbing!" I announced standing in the middle of the bunch. It was an obvious shock to everyone, I'd never even agreed to go clubbing, suggesting was another thing altogether.

But soon enough, our cars pulled over at the grandest nightclub in the town. There were two others, but those were occupied by the adult boozers and drunkards. This was where you could find the young crowd.

It took me a few minutes to take in the ambience of the place. There were a lot of lights and still all I could see was darkness. Loud, louder than necessary music was pouring like fluid from all the corners like the walls, the counters, the ceiling were all speakers.

I had been here once before when I had a rescue call from Bella to help her with getting Eric's drunk ass home. But then it was not this noisy, it was late at night, maybe early morning.

We moved towards the counter where people were boozing and I noticed a few guys eyeing me, another reason why I hate clubbing. I'd worn a purple knee-length dress, that rested on my curves carelessly. I moved ahead to look for what exactly I wished to see there, although his face was far from being seen. I'd kept my fingers crossed all this time, hoping that by a sweet coincidence, Daniel would be working in this club. But from what I could see, I was wrong.

No, I wasn't. He appeared on the counter as soon as we were settled on the bar stools, and I could swear I saw a glint of excitement or maybe just shock in his eyes when he saw me. I smiled again, just like always, only when his prisoning eyes released me.

"Isn't he the guy who your sister has been drooling all over?" Jack spoke venom as soon as Daniel left the counter to get our orders. Eric stiffened in his stool but didn't say anything.

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