Chapter 33: The doomed Dinner

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(Flashback contd...)

"It used to be a date night for the six of us too, up till this year," Jacob's drenched head popped out of the pool with bitter words. "By the way, have you seen my watch around here?" His tone wasn't even slightly apologetic and Daniel was visibly losing his calm.

"No, it was never a date night for the six of us, don't make things up. And no, I've not seen your watch." I seethed through my gritted teeth.

"Come on, you can't say ′never'." He said looking into my eyes as he climbed out of the pool. "And are you sure? It was the watch you gave me last summer when we spent the night at-"

"Fuck off, Jacob." I wanted to slap him but keeping in mind the idea of a peaceful dinner night, I controlled. "I can say never because you are-"

"Easy-peasy, you kno-"

"You're not even remotely good at taking hints, are you?" Daniel had stepped in front of me, blocking my view of Jacob.

"To me actually," I heard Jacob start and his voice wasn't at all shaky like it always was around Dan. "-it seems you are dumber in that area or you wouldn't still be standing here, would you?" He spilt and walked past us and Daniel didn't react to him, apart from clenching his fist in anger.

I kept looking straight at his tight fist for a while. He seemed to not loosen it at all. His skin soon turned white and I got a feeling that he was soon going to punch holes in his palm. To avoid any such circumstances, even without knowing how much was the situation in my control I slid my hands into his clenched fist. His fingers loosened at my touch and they let me interlink mine with them. I did.

"Come with me," I said when he looked up at me.

I guided him across the living room hallway towards one of the spare guestrooms.

"Here, I'm gonna get you a shirt to change into, okay," I said stroking my fingers at the lining of his abs and lower muscles, which were then clearly visible across the thin and wet fabric of his shirt.

He grabbed my hand when it was just about to reach below the danger sign. "Careful there." He said. "You don't want any accidents happening this night."

"Right." I gasped snatching my eyes away from his but a flirtatious smile bit my lips urging me to push a little further and find out how bad could the accident be. "The bathroom's over there, I'll be right back," I said and left instead.

I was still out of breath when I reached the guestroom again with a grey shirt. He had just come out of the bathroom.

"You're here?"

"Yeah," I said and threw him the shirt. He caught it fashionably. "Wear it," I added.

"Yes, of course. Your Majesty." He grinned smugly and swiftly put it on.

"Whose is it?" He asked and my throat went dry. I couldn't say dad and nor did I find mentioning Eric appropriate.

"No one's, just a spare shirt." I lied with a shrug and fortunately, he bought it.

I was lost in his physique among other thoughts when he pulled me against his warm body.

"Relax Easter Eggs, it'll all be fine." He whispered and stroked his hands on the small of my back, releasing a few tension knots in the process.

I wasn't sure about his reassurance nor was I sure of everything being fine but there was one thing I was completely sure about. Jacob's intentions weren't nice and to ensure everything stays fine, I had to keep these two far.

When we walked back into the kitchen to help others prepare dinner after I'd also changed into a dry white dress that elegantly ended just near my thighs, there wasn't much left to do but that wasn't the sad part. The sad part was that the second Daniel walked in behind me every working hand stopped and all eyes rested on him. They didn't even bother to hide their discomfort.

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