Chapter 47: A Hand Of Friendship

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Dan's words do mean things way more than they seem to mean.

Each and every word he says does.

Running my fingertips on his words carved on the crispy paper of my diary, I try to feel him in my skin.

My Easter never turned her back to evil. She never ran away from it.
She used to face it, fight against it and win.

No lies there. I don't run away from evil. I never did and I never will. It may sometimes look like I'm unseeing it and running away like a coward but there's always a reason behind it. I always have a reason.

Like I have right now.

To everyone, it may look like I've given up on Dan. Like I've lost all hopes of having him back. Like I've stopped loving him. But that's not true. It cannot ever be. I just have to make it look like that so I can do what is needed to be done.

I have my reasons.

And although he never got to know this, I had them even then. I couldn't tell him, and I had my reasons for that too, in the past. But that's where it was. In the past. And that's where it all ended. And all I have with me at present, are regrets.

I take in a deep shaky breath as my fingers form circles around the words Easter Eggs. Hearing the same two divine words in my head on a loop, I'm soon trapped in a whirlwind of nostalgia which sucks me out of the reality and throws me into the past that no matter what I do now, I cannot change.

"Ohkay. I'm hanging up." Daniel stated in a resolute manner as it was already past 2 in the morning, while I held the phone tight to my ears so I don't miss a single chuckle or even a faint sigh that escapes his lips.

"Well of course you are, I'm sure you are continuously getting calls from your fan girls. That's why you're trying to brush me off aren't you?" I said in a mad voice.

"Wow, Easter Eggs. You really have a creative mind." His voice sounded hurt.

"You think you can fool me with your sugar talks huh? You wanna go, go! Hang up." I retorted rudely.

"Now, I'm not hanging up at all." He says in a sleepy voice from behind a contagious yawn, making me smile wide to myself.

"Oh no no. Please, you can totally go and talk to your girls. I'll talk myself to sleep."

"Easter Eggs." He said in a singing tone.

"No it's okay. You can go. I'm not talking to you."

"Easter Eggs." He sang again and I could clearly see him smirking like an idiot on his bed.

"Shut up and let me sleep." I fake scolded him hugging my pillow.

"Easter Eggs."

"Your girls are waiting."

"Easter Eggs."

"I'm not replying to you now. Keep repeating that. Jerk." I said and a giggle escaped my lips and I was sure he heard it too.

"Easter Eggs." He kept singing.

"Easter Eggs."

"Urghhh. Stop it already." I wailed. While my heart kept screaming, 'never stop'.

"Easter Eggs." He obeyed my heart and I was more than glad.

"Easter Eggs."

"Easter Eggs."

"Easter Eggs."

And soon I drifted off to sleep with a smile almost hurting my cheeks.

When I woke up the first thing I did was check my phone. The call was still connected to my disbelief. I picked the phone up from the pillow next to me and raised it up to my ear. Nothing came from the other end apart from silence.

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