Chapter 56" The Never-Ending Game

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The prom night moves towards its end and soon everyone is standing facing the stage as we all wait for the Prom King and Queen to be announced.

A peachy girl standing on the stage with a mic announces two names and the boy and the girl from the senior year, go up on the stage for their crowning.

Cheerfulness fills the place and again we stand there waiting for the results to come out for the Prom Prince and Princess.

"Sweaty palms." Robert whispers next to me rubing his palms together pretending to be nervous. After a second of confusion, I remember that even we are nominated for the crowns.

I roll my eyes and when I'm only halfway into it, I hear the loud and clear announcement in ther girl's ecstatic voice.

"Easter Brown and Robert Fence!"

"What?" I yell in disbelief and turn to look at Robert who doesn't reply to me and instead, picks me up and twirls me around making me laugh my heart out.

"Robert, put me down!"

"Put you down?" He asks looking into my eyes. "Never!" He exclaims and carries me up to the stage.

When he finally puts me on my feet, my face is flushed red and the crowd before me is cheering like they all love me from me bottom of my heart.

But among them is one person who isn't jumping and cheering, but is instead just standing there with tears rolling down her eyes and a jubilant smiling brightening her face.


I look at her and smile, tears threatening to fall off my eyes too.

We're both crowned by the Prom King and Queen, and a loud blast from above us makes shimmer and balloons fall on us from somewhere above our heads.

"Just a minute." I say, interrupting the peachy girl holding the mic. She hands me the thing and I clear my throat before speaking.

"Hi." I start looking down at my expectant audience, as I lock my fingers slowly with Robert's.

"Thank you so much for choosing us as the Prom Prince and Princess. We're grateful. But we would like to nominate someone else for the crown."

Murmurs start sounding among the crowd. I turn to look at Robert and he somehow seems to understand me before I've said anything. I turn back to the audience and take my crown off.

"Bella. Eric." I say softly and I see them both taking deep breaths before reluctantly looking at each other.

"Please?" I plead in a weak voice and a smile erupts on Bella's lips.

They both walk up to the stage and we place our crowns on their heads. We walk away leaving the stage to them. Hesitantly, they both turn their gaze to each other and after what feel like a century of time, they kiss.


The peachy girl announces a dance for the crowned couples and the lights are out. Defensively, I turn towards Robert in the utter darkness. When spotlights are turned on, I find my face not even inches away from his.

The music starts. Ed Sheeran's Perfect fills the air in no time. Sliding his hands seductively around my torso, Robert pulls me closer to his.

A voice from my inside warns me to not look into his eyes, but that's exactly what I do.

And yet again, his ocean blue eyes do the trick and I'm lost. Moving along with the music automatically, I lose the track of time and place. All I'm aware about is him, his arms around me, his eyes in mine, and his lips-

Oh no.

With panic, I look up into his eyes and he does the same. Anxiety rises in me in light speed and anticipation dominates my senses.

With a breath stopped somewhere in me, hesitating to move up or down I keep looking into his eyes.

"God, I'm gonna do it this time!"

He mutters against my lips and next moment they're not mine anymore.

He pronounces them his.

Desperate and hungry, and still so astonishingy soft, his lips work against mine in a manner so divine that I can't help but lose it all.

Although, in the back of my mind, I'm ready for the familiar warning sirens to go off any moment telling me how wrong this is.

Any moment now.

But they never come.

No voices telling me that this is wrong or this guy is wrong.

Instead, I hear every cell of my body celebrating and singing with joy and merry. And there's only one united voice.

This guy is right for me.

We break off to take a breath, our eyes stilled locked into each other's as our lips break out in similar heavenly smiles. I feel my skin blooming under his gaze and not wasting another minute, our mouths meet again, taking us both roaming off in a world unknown to anyone apart from the two of us.

Wandering bare feet with my head on his shoulders and my fingers playing with his in our own private world, I wonder.

I wonder how this night has been a funny game of lost and found. One minute making me think I've got it all, next minute stealing it all away. One moment giving everything back next moment making me lose it yet again. Destroying everything for a second like a calamity, rejuvenating everything the next like a magical spell.

In fact, come to think of it, this entire life of mine till date, has been a similar game of lost and found. And I'm guessing it will continue to be.

What I shall understand is that nothing ever stops the game. We find things, we lose them. But it never is the end. We reach the pinnacles of joy and we fall down on our faces. We are hopelessly left behind and then we win the race.

There's a point where I think this is where I lose it all, but then it lets me know how wrong I am. And there comes a point where I think this is where I have it all, but again it reminds me of my naiveness.

And the vicious cycle keeps running forever, teaching us the same one lesson that we always fail to learn. And even though we don't learn it, it hardly changes a thing.

Because no matter what,

the game goes on.

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