Chapter 39: What Happened That Night

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"Are you still gonna say that you're not having visions?"

"Eric calm down okay? Let her process!" Bella interrupts again while I stand there trying to understand what is happening to me. Trying to decide what exactly is true and what isn't.

"Process what Bella? She's not ready to accept the truth?" Eric growls at her.

"Just try and understand her too Eric, she's not exactly-"

"What's the truth?" I voice the question dancing in my brain.

They both stop to look at me.

"What's the truth Eric, you tell me?" I repeat in a straight voice.

"The truth is Easter, that your boyfriend is dead. And you need to MOVE THE FUCK ON!" I stumble back in shock as he yells.

"And why do you think so?" I keep my voice stable and my eyes clear.

"Why -WHAT?"

"Easter you saw what just happened didn't you?" Bella says in a motherly voice and raises a hand to place on my arm.

I jerk back before her skin could touch mine. "Yes, I did. I had a nightmare. What does that prove?"

"Nightmare?" Eric spits in disgust. "Nightmare you think, you were fucking dying five minutes ago! This isn't nightmare Easter, this is insanity. This is madness."

"A nightmare is a nightmare. Nothing else." I state firmly not breaking the eye contact.

"Yes. A nightmare that can have you dead."

"If so, then let that be it."

"Oh God Easter!" Eric slams his palm on his head and turns his back on me.

I turn to Bella, and I see only pity and sympathy. And it disgusts me. I am not a case of pity. I don't need pity. What I need is a friend, to understand me, to believe me. To feel me. To not question me.

But how do I tell her that, when she already has an opinion of me?

"Wait a minute," Eric breaks my trance turning back to me, with his confused voice. "These nightmares, these visions, they all started that night, didn't they?"

I frown as his confusion infects me too. Bella too shares a similar look with me.

"The night you fainted in the kitchen?" His words hang there in between us three like something none of us wants to accept. I part my lips to give an answer but I can't think of one.

"That was the first time you had visions of Daniel coming to you, telling you to save him and everything and since then-" He keeps elaborating in a voice that says he's got it all figured out, while I try to place his words in my brain.

"Since then, you've been having similar visions. The fucking messages, the call everything."

I gulp in horror and turn my gaze to Bella, but she seems scared beyond explanation. Her reaction makes me feel sick in my stomach and I take my eyes away.

"You're wrong." I simply say.

"Yeah, here we go again." Eric sighs dramatically.

"You're wrong, these are not visions. He's not dead. He survived."

Eric walks forward and grabs me by my shoulders violently. "Why are you so keen to keep him alive, when he was so keen to kill himself?"

I chuckle humourlessly. "You don't know that. It could've easily been an accident." I say to his face and step back to free myself from his grip.

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