Chapter 43: The SIM Card Guy

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Bella drives me to Walmart for the card. Her stupid jokes and us singing with her playlist helps in lighting up the mood.

"You're okay right?" She asks as the car stops smoothly. Her eyes suddenly shining with intense concern.

I smile warmly and nod.

To be very honest, these little things don't bother me that much anymore. Things like these have somehow become a part of my normal routine and I've become used to it. This may sound like a bad thing, but a person like me who definitely has a lot of it still in store can really use such a bad habit.

Walking through the aisles stocked with shining products, my attention starts wandering around the place. But then Bella reminds me of the motive of the visit and we go straight to our destination.

"Hi, um. I need a new card." I say to the young guy sitting on the counter with a cap holding his mess of dirty blonde hairs and his eyes buried deep in his phone. He suddenly looks up at us and smiles promptly.

"Sure." He slides his chair with a push at the counter to reach the pile of colourful packets and slides back to us in the same fashion quite impressively. "Here, have a look."

"No, anything is fine," I say picking one of the few packets up in my hand.

"Okay perfect. Your ID please?"

"Yes of course," I add hastily as I fumble in my purse to take my documents out. "Please check if this will do."

He picks my ID up in his hand and examines it for a minute. I share a look with Bella but she shrugs it off.

"Hmmm. I was guessing it but I was still in a little doubt." The guy finally says as he punches some details in the system. "So we finally meet. Easter Brown, Eric's twin sister right?" He asks with an excited smile making his blue eyes shine brighter.

His mood lightens mine up too. "Mhmm. Looks like you hit the bullseye. Hope I didn't keep you waiting for long?"

"Yeah, right." He chuckles and I join him nonchalantly. "Here's your card, should be activated in ten minutes or so. But you can contact me on this if you face any issue." He scribbles some digits on a paper and hands it to me.

Bella looks at me with raised eyebrows and a suppressed smile. I only roll my eyes. "Are you really giving me your numerals? Instead of just the shop's contact?" I ask in a cunning tone.

"Well Easter, I have yours. It's only fair you have mine too." He winks and another smile makes its way to my lips.

"Right. Um-"

"Rob. Robert Fence."

"Right. Rob. Robert Fence. Great meeting you." I nod my head slightly as a goodbye.

"Same here. Will see you around?" He says more like a question.

"Sure I guess," I add before I walk away with Bella's wrist.

"You're still smiling." Bella points out as I buckle up my seat belt and I switch the smile off instantly, realising how broad it actually was.

"What? No." I say bluntly.

"No, it's okay. It's a good thing. Just that it's been a while since I've seen you with that smile. I like it." She puts the keys in, bringing the car to life.

"Yeah. Whatever. I was just being good." I defend my flirty behaviour.

"No yeah. Of course. I don't mind. I like it. He's a good guy." She adds as the car hits the road taking us back home.

"Hmm. Good guy." I raise an eyebrow suspiciously. "How do you know that?"

"I know of course. I'm a cheerleader, he's a football player. And he's in some of my classes too."

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