Chapter 31: A Hopeful Bird

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Our car screeched to a sudden halt before almost getting hit by an apparently, unstoppable white car. Luckily, Daniel hit the brakes at the right second before his car, which still styled the little scratches from my pebble war the previous night, almost got a horrible dent from the violent vehicle that appeared out of nowhere, and instead rash-parked in the space he was aiming to park in.

By the time I recovered from the shock, he had already stormed out to have a little chat with the brainless driver.

"What the fuck man!" He hollered. A little too fierce for a quick morning chat. It was times like this that I got flashbacks of the Dan before I tamed him and it always made me wonder what his true self was like. Before me, before Drakedon.

Doors from both sides of the car opened at once. Hannah stepped out of the passenger's seat, descending her brown sunglasses from her head to her nose, while from the driver's seat exited Jack taking his darker ones off.

"Woah, good morning to you too man. Wassup?" Jack exclaimed casually and I realised how Dan's jaw clenched momentarily.

"What's the big deal babe?" Hannah's fake sweet accent hit my ears and I couldn't help but frown. She was quick to catch it before I could hide it and she didn't look away before sending me a nasty glare.

I wondered what that was for.

She reached Jack and he swiftly snaked his arm around her waist, as if he was there to enjoy the show, instead of being the one putting it up. Speaking of the show, our little morning chitchat had by then gathered a decent audience. Most of them were girls and most of those girls were only checking out the hot-bad-boy of Drakeshire high- Dan that is.

He was wearing a casual navy shirt on dark black denim pants. His abs had become much more stare-worthy now that he had started participating in sports regularly and it was a good thing until I realised I wasn't the only one enjoying the development.

"That's my parking spot." Daniel took a few steps toward Jack with irritation written on his face. I had a feeling that this was bad and needed instant stopping, but watching him macho up was rather hot.

"Really?" Jack said in an obviously fake curious tone which only made Daniel angrier. He took a somewhat equal number of steps toward Daniel looking him straight in the eye.

"Here I thought I didn't see your car there, bro." His words were venom and he was doing it intentionally. With a last challenging look, he put his glasses on before walking past us with his sweet bomb girlfriend, through the crowd of anticipating watchers.

Daniel, who was just scowling with anger seconds ago, smirked after Jack left, leaving me more confused than I was feeling anxious a minute ago.

"What was that about?" I asked him after he had parked in another empty spot.

"Don't know. Never got to ask." He shrugged. "But looks like the guys of this town don't get bored of playing immature games."

"You're telling me that this wasn't the first time this has happened?" I looked at him wide-eyed but he only chuckled, which I perceived as a yes.

"You really shouldn't let them play around like that," I said in a firm voice and he smiled before shrugging it off.

I was pulled out of my thoughts and I realized I'd reached the hallway, only when I heard loud whispers around me, like the annoying buzzing of a mosquito. One you'd wanna smash and get rid of as soon as possible.

Students stood on both sides of the hallway, but the centre pathway was weirdly clear as if deliberately left empty for us. Most of the beautiful eyes around us were sending me hate like I had stolen something from them. It was annoying. Not that I wasn't used to hateful eyes, I was, of course, more than. But this was different, this wasn't just distant hate, it was a will to kill. Like they would pull me into the next classroom and smash my face to the walls until I was unrecognisable.

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