Chapter 46: The Fifth Message

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The thirst of my questions is far from over and Robert's answers were far from quenching. But still, I am extremely thankful to him for telling me all he could. Talking to him made one thing clear as crystal and it did change a lot of things for me.

Daniel was not taking drugs at all.

This knowledge was as refreshing to me as Robert's company. I know that's a very absurd comparison but it is what it is. He's been a great friend and I can tell that he's a good human at heart. At least that holds true for the last seven days I've known him.

But talking to him also introduced a horrible piece of knowledge to me, which turned out to be one of the most disturbing things I've ever known.

Someone was trying to hurt him. And theirs a huge possibility that, that someone is my own twin brother.

But in spite of that, my actions this entire week have been intensively thought out and smart, considering the larger picture.

"Um Eric, I was wondering you could give me my phone back now," I say in a whisper from behind the delicious cheese sandwich stuffed in my mouth.

"Why?" He asks abruptly.

"Why? Why not?" I ask lifting my volume a little. "I'm behaving. I'm not going around ordering search parties. I'm not having deadly nightmares. And I'm not walking around yelling 'He's not dead. He's not dead.' at everyone. So why not?" I whine like a child knowing that he is just about to melt. After all, I've been scheming this for the last week.

He shrinks his eyes to normal after realising he's been keeping it extra wide for an abnormally long time. He opens his mouth but closes it again as if deciding against speaking whatever unfortunate thing he was about to mutter. Instead, this is what he says.

"Sure. It's in my car."

I nod in agreement instead of jumping in euphoria. As if it really is no big deal. While on the inside, I send a million thanks to Robert who suggested this entire plan of work in the first place.

"Mom, I'm getting late so I'll have the rest of these sandwiches when I come back home okay?" I shout as I push the last bite in my mouth. "Eric, you coming?"

"Yup." He says swinging his bag around on his back.

I walk out and he follows in my steps quickly. This is how things have been for the last seven days. Sweet and obedient.

I wait near the passenger's seat as he walks around to reach the car. In a minute he quickly fetches out my phone from his car. I check it and it's switched off to my relief. Although, it wouldn't have been an issue otherwise, because I know he couldn't have ever unlocked it.

"Thanks," I say with a nod and start walking towards the main gate. Eric brings his car to life.

"Where are you going? Get in the car." Eric calls out from the driver's seat in confusion and I smile to myself.

"Actually, my ride is just about to arrive." I reply in sass and before he can say 'your ride?' the alarming noise of a bike coming to a halt at the street outside makes his head snap.

I smile to myself, impressed at his timing and make my way to him. Robert stands there in all his glory leaning on the bike. His crystal blue eyes doing wonders under the morning sun.

He hands me a spare helmet and mounts the bike bringing the entire road to life. Just when I take a seat behind him, Eric's car comes driving on the road and halts next to us.

After shooting Robert a death glare he looks at me.

"I don't really approve of this you know?"

I roll my eyes at him and tap Robert's shoulder signalling him to start the bike. He obeys and Eric is soon left metres behind fuming at the empty road.

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