Chapter 49: The Break-Up

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The lunch date did the trick. In fact, way more efficiently than I had expected.

Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

I was still struggling to figure it out.

When he dropped me home I only left the car and went in. I didn't even turn to look at him. Neither did he try to stop me. We merely didn't exist for each other.

Later, I didn't call him to check if he reached home alright. He didn't call to inform me. I didn't expect it. But another thing that I didn't expect was to get even a second of sleep that night. It was undoubtedly one of the worst nights of my life and what was more daunting was that I had myself made this the most awful weekend for me and for him.

But time wasn't going to stop for me and the sleepness night passed. Monday came well on time. But Daniel didn't. Neither on time nor late. He didn't come at all.

When I entered Eric's car instead of Dan's, he looked at me in the eye for the first time since Saturday in the study. His eyes weren't plain emotionless, they were soft almost like pity. Well, of course, everyone should've pitied me.

Wasn't I a hopeless case of twisted fate and love?

At school, the torture increased. Dan's car was parked when we reached but he was nowhere to be seen. I didn't have the courage to go around looking for him, and also, it wasn't the right thing to do.

But it wasn't a gigantic school, we had our lockers in the same space. Meaning, I didn't have to look for him to see him. He just came stumbling in front of me.

When he closed his locker and walked towards me, for a minute there I thought he'll talk to me. Just a hello maybe. But my hopes were all left shattered when he passed by like I was nothing more than a stranger.

Good thing. That was exactly what Jack needed to see to let him live a peaceful life and that was what he saw.

It was good for everyone except for me. For me, it was more than impossible to let him walk by me without having his hand snaked around my waist. To see him drive his car without me sitting in the passenger's seat. I was desperate for him. For his touch, his gaze, his voice, his smirk.

But what I was most desperate about was to hear him say 'Easter Eggs' in my ears. However, that was all I was and could be, desperate.

Hopelessly desperate.

In the beginning, he too seemed uneasy around me. His laughter died when he saw me. He stared in the distance when I passed by. His eyes turned cold if they ever met mine. But after a few days. It all changed. Or in Jack's words, he got used to it.

My presence stopped affecting him, my voice didn't make him stop talking, my eyes stopped meaning anything. Perhaps, it was because of the game with Jolmberg that weekend that he got distracted. Perhaps, it was the continuous practices and pressure, which kept him busy enough to forget me.

Whatever it was, I tried to be glad that I was achieving exactly what I wanted. Daniel and Easter had fallen apart. The breakup was only one word away. But there was still one thing that I had no idea how I was going to accomplish.

Making sure Dan goes on that trip.

I had zero idea how I was going to do it. But I was going to, whatever it may take. Because it was necessary and the right thing to be done.

However, no matter how much I tried to be mature about it, no matter how much I tried to reason it, it still stung. And although I managed to keep a straight unbothered exterior, on the inside it broke me to see him forget me like that.

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