Chapter 25: The Big Game

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(flashback contd...)

I didn't even know why they played this match at all. For as long as I could remember and even before that, Veihnsberg High had never won against Drakedon High. Playing this completely obvious match and defeating them every year had done nothing more than intensify the rivalry between the schools.

Anyways, it was the day of the big game and Bella had made it clear that if I wouldn't go, our friendship was at stake.

Did I want to lose the only understanding friend I had?


So I dressed up for the day in pale colours so whoever looked at me knew that I had no will of being there. The haughty bright and attention-grabbing Jersey that I always wore to Eric's games stared at me from the hanger confusingly as I put on a worn-out pale yellow top on a pair of white shorts and tied my hair in a high ponytail, clearly not dressed for the game of the year. My hand reached out to feel the fabric and I smiled faintly at it before I closed the wardrobe on its face.

"Baby, you sure you wanna go?" My mother asked considering my attire that brutally reflected my mood. I merely nodded in acknowledgement and just like that she dropped it. Typical.


I didn't want to go at all because I already knew what I'd see, and I am not even talking about the inevitable victory of DrakeFires. I'd see disgusting hateful stares from stupid high schoolers who can't just get over a stupid gossip of a pitiful girl being dumped by the cool guy.

Gossips and rumours are basically food for high school.

I'd always heard how fast and effective a high school gossip network is, but I only got to witness it after it came right at me, unannounced.

And that definitely didn't stop there. Just like any other high school, in Draketon High, once someone enters the vicious cycle of being a high school gossip, you hear new things every day. And so did it happen to me.

The other day I got to know that I was constantly rejecting Jacob because he wasn't as tall as Daniel and also, that I'd been telling him that I'd only date him if he got tattoos- just like Dan.

I was shocked, to say the least, but never mind.

I also got to hear that Daniel was just as popular in his previous school as in Drakeshire High and that he styled his bad boy title there as well.

I wondered what part of it was true but then I realized, it didn't matter as far as I was concerned.

The excitement in Bella's eyes when she saw me, clearly said she wasn't really expecting me. It amazed me to realise she assumed I would dare to skip after the ultimatum she gave me.

"Oh my god! Why do you look hotter than me?" She exclaimed as we broke off the suffocating hug. She was wearing the DrakeFire cheerleaders uniform, the same I had always wanted to officially wear and fly around once in my life, probably for one of these games. Bottom line- it was beautiful and the skirt was beyond sexy. Maybe it was just Bella's perfect curves. But nevertheless, she was the hotter one. I was just- cold.

"Yeah. As if." I rolled my eyes at her and we both giggled childishly.

"Ohkay..." She sang in a voice that told me whatever was about to follow wasn't very pleasant.

"Baebe!" Jacob's screeching voice hit me as soon as his hands hit my shoulder, pulling me against his hard body. "Let's watch the game together today, huh?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes again.

Jacob isn't a football guy. Not that he is not athletic or anything. You would know his muscles are trained to a T the moment you'd see him. He is just not into teams. But when it comes to individual sports, he is the beast.

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