Chapter 1

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As we drove up the dirt road, the medium sized home came into view that has grass lands all around until it hit the forest in the back.

"Hey we're here." I said pushing my twin brother BamBam's shoulder. He woke up and stretched his arms.

I pulled in front of the house and my Grandma and aunt came out of the house with smiles on their faces.

I got out the car and so did BamBam.

"Awww look how big you two have gotten!" My Grandma said bringing us into a group hug.

"You guys look great!" My Aunt said grabbing our luggage out my trunk slamming it shut.

"Hey watch it, this is my baby." I said smiling at my black Camaro with a white top.

My aunt Kelsey then kicked it. "Your lucky I miss you." I said and she chuckled taking our stuff and placing it on the porch. 204

"Oh BamBam you need to eat more." My grandma said looking at his slim body.

"So what are your plans for this afternoon grandma?" I asked

"Well I already enrolled you guys into school. So we can go to the Bible study tonight." She said smiling but I frowned.

Nothing personal to the big guy up there but I don't like church. I'll praise Jesus at a distance.

"Oh ok... I'm a little tired I don't know if I can go." I said fake yawning

"Don't play that with me missy. Your mom told me how you like to skip out on church. Not letting that fly here." She said waving her finger at me.

My brother and I grabbed our bags and grandma showed us our room.

"This is your room BamBam." She said pointing the nice clean bedroom. His bed looks comfortable

"Now unless you want to share with your brother, you don't have a bedroom. You will be upstairs." She said walking towards the end of the hall and up the stairs.

"I'll have a door installed at the beginning of the stairs so you can have some privacy but this is the best I can offer you." She said

I took a look around the attic. A few boxes and very dusty.

There's two big white windows up here which is good because I like fresh air, but who doesn't.

There is a full sized bed in the middle of the room with two night stands on the sides. There's a desk in the corner by one of the windows that looks out over the field of grass. There's a dresser against the wall to put my clothes in.

"I like it. It's raggedy but I guess it's mine now." I said wiping dust off the desk.

"Praise the lord. I'm so happy you like it. I remember you always thought we favorited BamBam over you but I see thats gone now." She said

"Yeah... I guess I grew up." I said "I'm glad you did. Now we'll be heading out in about an hour so do what ever you like until then."

I nodded and she returned back downstairs.

I started to think about what she said about BamBam. To be honest I know people prefer him over me. I don't mind it anymore, I like being an extra on the Tatum show. Because while he's showing out for the cameras I'm in the background fucking a hot girl. That was a bad metaphor but you got what I meant.

I like being the second thing someone looks for, BamBam being the first. Like if your in trouble, who are you going to get first

Batman or Robin. Exactly! But jokes on you, Robin is cooler. 246

I opened my suitcase and dug to the bottom feeling my glass jar. I grabbed it and smiled at the jar filled with joints.

Before I left my mom searched my room and I had a full stash of weed so I had no choice but to roll it all up and stuff it this a jar. However she did find all my other drugs and alcohol. Which kinda blows because I doubt this lame ass town has a drug dealer.

I know this sounds bad. Saying my mom threw away all my drugs but it's not like hard shit. It was stuff like molly, lsd, mushrooms, not crack and cocaine. Gosh i would kill for some Molly right now.

I took a quick shower so when I got back to the house I could just crash.

I put on my ripped up black jeans, my long sleeve black crop top that has the Breakfast club cover on it, with my combat boots and silver chains.

I look like a sadist a little... cool. I'm gonna scare the Holy Ghost.

I walked down stairs and saw my Aunt and BamBam waiting for my grandma and me.

"No, no, and no. Take the chains off." My aunt said reaching her hand out "What why?" I whined.

"Because you don't wanna scare the church. Their gonna think your a witch or something. People in this town are very small minded." She said

"How am I a witch wearing a breakfast club shirt." I said and she glared at me still waiting for me to take off my jewelry.

I sighed "fine but outside of church I want my chains." I said taking them off and placing them in her hand.

She put them in her purse then grandma came out from the bathroom.

"Ready to listen to the good word?" She asked smiling

"Can't Wait Grandma." My brother said and I rolled my eyes

Ass kisser.

As we made our way to the church I kept imagining me just opening the door and rolling down a endless hill. No one stopping me or caring enough to. Kinda funny.

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