Chapter 37

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Everyone stood outside the house looking at each other in silence. The red ambulance lights lighting up the cold dark night. The paramedic shut the ambulance doors and everyone watched them drive away. Everyone was trying to figure out where everything went wrong, replaying the night over and over again....

1 hour earlier...

Lisa took her seat in between Rosie and BangChan. She frowned when Mason sat next to her grandma, whispering something her ear making her giggle. Her nostrils flared up in disgust at the sight.

'BangChan wasn't lying, this man has wiggled his way into my thanksgiving' Lisa thought

She leaned over to Rosie "You wanna sit somewhere else?"
Rosie looked around the table saying "All the seats are taken

Lisa groaned and slouched in her seat and it only got worse when she realized BamBam and her mother was sitting across from her. Great now her appetite was gone.
Belle stood up smiling "Everyone bow your heads so we can say grace." She said grabbing Mason's hand and Jane's hand.
Everyone grabbed the hand of the person next to them and bowed their heads. Rosie rolled her eyes and took her father's hand and happily took Lisa's.

"Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day we bow our hearts to You and pray. We give You thanks for all You've done, especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son. For beauty in nature, Your glory we see. For joy and health, friends and family. Amen." Belle said opening her eyes "Amen" everyone repeated and started to pass around the food, filling up their plate.

After everyone got their food conversation started to flow throughout the table. Everyone was talking except for Jade.
She wasn't in a great mood and she could easily be pushed over the edge if someone said anything that bothered her. So she kept quiet and to herself.

"What's wrong?" Rosie whispered rubbing her hand over Lisa's knee.

Lisa sighed and looked over at the blonde. She smiled "I'm fine. You like the food?" She asked trying to take the attention off herself. Rosie rolled her eyes "Lisa my food is fine. Now tell me what's wrong."

"Your dad, my mother and brother." She answered simply looking across the table at her laughing brother and mother.
She rolled her eyes and stared at her plate pushing the food around.

"Well don't think about them. You have me. You have BangChan and Nayeon, and all your cousins right there. Just ignore them." Rosie said with a shrug.

Lisa smiled "Thanks I'll try." Rosie smiled back and slowly moved her hand up Lisa's thigh causing her to freeze.

"Rosie-" "Yes angel" She said with a knowing smirk

"Could you just move you hand?" She asked. Rosie raised a brow "Is this better?" She asked moving her hand in Lisa's inner thigh.

"What are you two over there whispering about?" Mason asked in a playful tone but deep down he was pissed, but he couldn't show that in front of everyone. Especially not Belle.
There was an empty seat down the row, away from his daughter, 'Why couldn't she have sat there?' He thought.

Jade frowned and sat up in her seat. Molly sighed and pulled her hand away from Jade before turning to her father.

"Nothing dad we're just talking about... urm... the food. It's delicious." she said fake smiling at him.

Mason hummed and narrowed his eyes his daughter. He knew she was lying. 'She never lied before Lisa came along.' He thought,

While he was glaring at his daughter Lisa was flaring at him.
She didn't like the way he was looking at her. She really wanted to kick his ass.

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