Chapter 3

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I woke up and instantly had the urge to smoke. I need to be high like right now.

I took out my jar from my suitcase and unscrewed the top, grabbing a joint. I walked over to my book bag shuffling my hand around until I felt a lighter.

I walked over to my window by the desks and opened it, sitting on the ledge of the window. I lit the joint and I will say, the highlight of my morning.

I heard a knock on my new door and panicked a little. I dropped the joint in the grass below the window.

"Shit. Welp it was good while it lasted. Rest In Peace joint 1 billion and 7." I said and leaned back through my window and fanned the room a little even if I did smoke outside, technically.

"Umm come in!" I yelled and the person opened the door and walked upstairs.

"Hi sweet heart BangChan called and said he would be over in an hour." She said with her usual bright smile.

"Ok, thanks Grandma." I returned the smile and she narrowed her eyes at me taking steps towards me until she was right in front of me.

She grabbed my face and examined me. "Have you been smoking?" She asked letting go of my face roughly.

"What! Grandma come onnn. It's me. Would I ever smoke in your house?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"Yes you would. I thought your mother got rid of that poison." She said walking over to my window by my bed and opened it.

"Whatever She told you. Probably her being her usual dramatic self." I said rolling my eyes.

She sighed and sat on my bed "Listen you came here to get a fresh start. Please embrace that opportunity. Shane is nice and all but he's not the greatest influence around here. Try Roseanne. She goes to Bible study all the time and she's great in school." My grandma suggested.

I smirked. I will definitely be friends with Roseanne.

"Lisa No!" My grandma snapped. I gave her a confused look and put my hands up in front of me. "I didn't even say anything."

"It doesn't matter. I know you better than you think. Don't go screwing with that girl's life. Okay?" She said standing up.

"Okay" I mumbled "What?" She said loudly knowing she heard me.

"I said okay." She smiled and cupped my cheeks "There's my grand daughter." She said then left the room.

I left my room and went outside seeing a Red Jeep. I knocked on the window and heard the door unlock.

I got in seeing BangChan in the driver's seat.

"This car is so sexy. I think it's hotter than me." I said rubbing my hand over the dash

"Woah there! If I knew any better I'd think you're trying to fuck my car." He said trying to hold back a smile.

"Well how much for one night?" I asked and we both burst into laughter.

"See I knew you were cool. By the way you look hot." He said pulling out of my grandma's long dirt road for a drive way.

"Thanks you do too."

"I know." He shrugged.

BangChan is wearing a salmon pink sweater with a single strip of white with the word palace written in black over it. He has medium indigo jeans. Paired with Yeezy boost 700.

We pulled up to a house that looked like my grandma's but it's a faded blue with a grey windows and porch that wrapped around the house.

We got out and I followed BangChan to the back.

"Alright so you got to be quiet until we get downstairs." He said and then turned to the window and slid it open.

We hopped into the window entering an old bathroom.

I followed him down a hall to a wooden door. He opens it and we walked down the stairs into a basement.

"What's up bitches!" Shane said greeting three teens in the basement.

"Hey" the girl with the gorgeous skin said. It looks so soft and clear. 8th grade me could never.

"Who's the newbie you brought?" The boy who looks like a knock off Timothee Chalamet said.

"Well friends this is Lisa. Lisa this is friends. Now we drink." He said walking over to a mini bar.

The boy with beautiful eyes stepped up rolling his eyes.

"Thanks great introduction BangChan." He said sarcastically

"Thanks, I try" BangChan said smiling brightly.

"Anyways Im Kai." Colorful eyes said.

He pointed to the girl "That's Jisoo." Then he pointed to Timothee over there. "And that is Taehyung. Welcome." He said bowing at me.

"Thank you." I said smiling to all of them.

We all ended up taking shots and then more shots. And now we're all kinda drunk. I'm on the floor staring at the ceiling, Kai is in a bean bag chair, Jennie is cuddling with Shane on the coach, and Taehyung is laying on the pool table with no pants on.

"So why did you move to this shitty town Lisa?" Kai asked.

I chuckled "Well it's actually a long story."

"We got time." BangChan said and with that I told my story drunkenly.

"Well I've always been into drugs but never the hard stuff you know. Like weed and LSD, you know the not so addictive shit." I started

"People at my school knew it too. People always came to me for pills and stuff but I always denied having the stuff. One day I met this real quiet girl in the library. She was the most stunning thing I've ever seen. I talked to her and she liked me. We hung out for months until she started acting weird." I stopped feeling sadness wash over me.

"It's okay if you don't wanna finish." BangChan said and I nodded "No it's okay I'm good." I smiled and BangChan gave me a small smile.

"One day I followed her and I found her doing drugs.

Cocaine. She told me not to tell anybody and if I did she would tell everyone I gave it to her. I knew they would believe her because I'm the fucked up drug girl. I guess her parents caught her as I did and she blamed it on me anyways. The rumor spread quick. I almost got expelled and my mom threw the biggest bitch fit ever. She went through all my shit. Threw away all my pills and mushrooms. Lucky I copped the weed before she could get to it." I smiled and they all chuckled.

"Anyways she got sent to rehab and everyone hated me for quote on quote fucking up the innocent girl. So my mom sent my brother and I here to live with my grandma." I said finally finishing my story.

"Damn that's fucked up!" Taehyung mumbled from the pool table with his eyes closed. "It's fine, maybe I deserved it." I said as tears brimmed my eyes.

"No you didn't. No know deserves to be blamed for someone else's drug issues." Kai said as the tears finally fell from my cheeks.

"He's right. You can't blame yourself for whatever went on with her. And she's an ass for threatening and blaming you." Jisoo said

"Thanks guys. I-I really appreciate it. I haven't really talked about it since everything went down. I mean my own brother believes what the girl accused me of." I said sitting up becaus my drunk ass is scared to drown from my own tears.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. "Well he's a dick too. Besides you got us now. Right guys?" BangChan said and everyone agreed and joined the hug.

We sat there for a moment in the floor in a big human ball.

"Ok That's enough. Taehyung get your dick off my back!" Kai said and everyone burst into laughter.

"Sorry." Taehyung grumbled as everyone backed away from the embrace.

Maybe this town isn't so bad after all.

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