Chapter 11

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"Holy... shit" I panted out laying next to Nayeon. She giggled and turned to face me "You were a little aggressive. Something wrong?" She said as her breathes got slower.

I raised a brow at her "Don't get what you mean." I said playing dumb.

I know exactly what she means. I came over to "blow off steam" a.k.a have sex.

It's been two days since Roseanne said she wanted to be

"Friends" whatever the fuck that means.

"Exactly what I said. You were aggressive. Plus you choked me. Not complaining at all buttt you never choke so what's up." She said nudging my side.

"I- I don't know if I want to talk about it." I said sitting up against the headboard "Pleassee. We're friends before any of this." She said swirling around her finger at the messy covers with our naked bodies under them.

I sighed "Fine. But I won't tell you who just the problem." I said

She clapped excitedly and sat up like I did a moment ago "Go a head spill all the tea. I'm listening." She said smiling as she pushed her hair back.

"I umm. So there's this girl. She's totally beautiful and smart and kind. But a little bipolar when it comes to our relationship." I started "Bipolar how?" Nayeon ask with a raised brow.

"Like one second she's flirting with me and the next she's got this brick wall up. I don't know she's just very.. confused." I said tilting my head.

"And she's religious so that doesn't help my case AT ALL. I mean one second it's flirting and kissing and the next It's this is wrong and we're going to hell if we don't stop. And the crazy part is that she initiates it most of the time." I ranted then took a deep breathe after.

"Wow. Wouldn't peg you for the religious type but hey everyone has their things." I rolled my eyes "Really Nayeon? That's all you have to say?"

"Okay okay. It sounds like you really like her but the whole bipolar thing is all her. I mean she obviously has some issues herself." Nayeon said and I nodded in response.

"Did I mention she has a boyfriend too?" Nayeon pouted and pulled me to her with her arm around my shoulder "Aww poor you. I'm sorry. That really sucks." She said and I nodded "I know it does. I have to go through it."

"It's up to you though Lisa. If you wanna Wait for her then wait. She'll figure her shit out sooner or later. But if you don't then just be her friend. Date other people and she can be the friend. Bet she'll get her shit together then." She said making me giggle.

"Thanks Nayeon. Why are you single? I mean your hot, smart, and great with relationship advice." I asked leaning back from her embrace.

She smiled "That's Where your wrong. I have a girlfriend.

She's away at college. Your to keep me company while she's gone.

I gasped dramatically and clenched my heart "I thought we had something." I said furrowing my brows.

She rolled her eyes and pulled me to her cupping my cheek.

"We do have something" she muttered then kissed my lips softly before breaking away to say "We have great sexual tension and even better sex." She muttered with a smirk then locked lips with me again.

"What do you say we go for round 2 Before I take you back home?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled and pulled me by the nape of my neck into her.

I kicked the covers back and grabbed her thighs pulling them towards me so I'm in between her legs. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she granted.

As soon as our tongues touched she moaned into my mouth.

But our make out session was cut short as the door swung


I pulled away from her, snapping my head toward the door seeing a furious blonde headed girl standing there with her fists clenched.

"Girlfriend?" I muttered

"Girlfriend" Nayeon muttered back.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Blondie yelled launching herself towards me.

"Shit!" I yelled jumping off the bed grabbing as many articles of clothing as possible.

"Get back here!" She yelled as I ran out the bedroom trying to stuff a leg in my shorts as I hopped on the other leg. "Baby she's just a friend!" I heard Nayeon yell.

I got my foot in but then fell down her stairs, more like rolling. When I opened my eyes I felt a pain in my back but quickly tried to hold it off because the blonde was staring down at me from the top of the stairs angrily.

My eyes widened and I launched up grabbing my shirt by my body. I ran towards the front door hearing her behind me.

Shit shit shit. Go! Go! Go! Oh my fucking shit. I swear god if you get me out of this one I'll listen in church for real and I- I don't know I guess I'll stop hooking up with so many girls. I'll limit it to like I dunno 3 a month. Sounds good.

I ran out the house tugging my shirt over my neck. Why the hell did I let Nayeon drive me here when I could have just followed her?

"Hey!" I looked over seeing Nayeon's head sticking out the window. She threw some keys down in the dirt and I smiled and ran towards them.

Shit where'd they go? I thought as my eyes searched the dirt.

Then I heard the front door burst open. "Shit" I mumbled

"Ooo ooo right there" she said pointing to a keychain over in the grass.

I smiled and ran to the keys, grabbing them "Thanks Nayeon!

I'll bring you car ba-aahhh" I yelled dodging a fist coming my way.

Blondie fell in the dirt next to me and I ran towards Nayeon's car unlocking the door. I jumped in the driver's seat and started the car. As I was about to pull off she jumped in front of the car slamming her hands on the hood looking at me with fire in her eyes.

I jumped and slammed my foot on the gas. Her body hurdled over the windshield, over the top, falling off the back.

I stopped the car and looked out the window. I saw Blondie cough a few times then look up at me furiously... again.

"Sorry! Nice meeting you!" I said then pulled off as she started to stand up.

Yikes. That was a close one. I thought as I drove to Taehyung's house.

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