Chapter 19

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The bell finally rings and everyone starts packing up their things or the ones who already did just bolted out the class.

"Alright remember class, the Test is in two days so study up!"

My math teacher yelled as he started to erase his board.

I left the class and bumped into the person that I was just about to look for.

"Hi babe." Jennie said kissing my cheek.

"Hi. Can I drive you home? I wanted to talk to you about something"

She nodded "Yeah sure. What do you wanna talk about?" She asked lacing her fingers with mines.

I snatched my fingers from hers "I wanna break up okay! There I said it! It's not you it's me. It's just I'm kinda in love with Molly. You know the girl you kind of hate. Great chat."

Definitely not doing that. Wait- I'm in love with Roseanne. No!

You are not in love with Roseanne, you are not in love with Rosie.

I am not in love with Rosie. Right?

"Ummm it Can wait." She nodded "Okay. As long as your not breaking up with me or anything." She said chuckling.

My heart instantly dropped. This is killing me. But I can't show that so I laughed with her like I'm not going to break her heart in the next hour or so. Why me?


My heart started to beat harder and faster as we got closer and closer to Jennie's room. She opened her door and pulled me inside, closing the door behind her.

She sat her bag down and I did the same. She sat in her bed grabbing her remote "You wanna watch a movie?" She asked as she opened Netflix.

"No. Umm we need to talk." I said walking over to her bed. I feel like I'm shaking. Am I shaking.

I looked down at my hands seeing them shake slightly. I bit my bottom lip and tucked my hands in my pocket and sat down next to her.

"Oh come. What about that new movie- Umm What is it called?"


"Something with a M maybe."


"Or was it an R. It was some kind of comedy though."

"Jennie! I'm serious we need to talk." I said raising my voice. I closed my eyes and sighed. I didn't mean to yell at her.

She turned around and sat the remote down frowning "Okay. What's wrong?"

I took a deep breathe and grabbed her hand turning my body all the way towards her.

You rehearsed this. You got this. Just tell her that you like her a lot, but not in that way. Say you don't want to end on a bad note and that you want to continue to be friends. You'll give her time of course but your sorry. Perfect.

"I like you so much. I really do but over this past month or so I've-"

"Jennie?!" A voice rang through the house.

Jennie's eyes widened and she instantly stood up "Shit my mom's here." She said opening her door only to see a women who looks like an older version of Jennie.

"Hi sweetheart- oh you have company." She said looking around her to me.

I smiled awkwardly "H-hello ma'am"

"Oh please call me Maggie." She said smiling.

"Sorry mom this isn't how I wanted you to meet her. But mom this is Lisa... my girlfriend, Lisa this is my mom." She said moving out the way so I could see her mom better.

"Oh this is the famous girlfriend. Wow she's pretty." Her mom said like I wasn't right here. "Mommm" she groaned as her face started to turn a bright red.

"Oh hush. She knows she's pretty. Lisa would you like to stay for dinner?" Her mom asked

Not again.

I smiled and nodded "Sure."

"Great. I'll get started." She said leaving probably to the kitchen.

Jennie sighed and closed the door "I am so sorry about her." She said walking back over to the bed, sitting across from me. "Now what did you want to talk about."

I froze. I can't break up with her now. That would be so awkward. I would have to pass the kitchen. I could just imagine it.

"Lisa just leave! I hate you!"

I ran out the door shutting it behind me, still hearing Jennie's hysterical sobs.

I walked quickly to the front trying to the pass the kitchen but of course I was stopped.

"Lisa? I thought you were staying for dinner?"

I turned towards the kitchen "Yeah no- something came-"

"Mom she broke up with me!"

I looked over seeing Jennie there with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You what?! You broke up with my daughter!" She yelled angrily. Then she picked up the knife she was chopping the vegetables with. She jumped up on the counter and threw the knife at me. It missed me by an inch as it flew into the wall, piercing through the wood.

"Lisa!" Jennie said snapping in my face "Huh! Yeah!" I said shaking my head slightly. Snapping out of my day dream.

"You wanted to talk."

Yeahhhh not gonna happen.

"No. It can wait. It's fine." I said "You sure? It seemed important." She said cupping my cheek.

I nodded "Yeah definitely."


After dinner.

"It was very nice meeting you Lisa. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you around here." She said smiling at me.

I nodded "It was nice meet you too. Thank you for dinner."

"Of course. It was no problem. A friend of Jennie's is a friend of mines. Come back anytime."

"Okay Im gonna walk Lisa out. I'll be back mom."

Maggie nodded and hugged me once more before leaving to the dining room.

Jennie and I stepped outside. We walked quietly to my car until she broke the silence.

"I think I know what you wanted to talk about earlier." She said. I stopped in my tracks and immediately turned to face her. "Jennie I- I didn't mean for it to get this fa-" "I love you."

I choked on my spit and started coughing violently. I crouched over grabbing my knees as I stared to the ground.

"Y-y-ou what?" I choked out, looking up at her.

"I said I love you."

"That's what I thought you said now let me offer this as a rebuttal. We have to break up."

Again not saying that.

"I- Jennie I don't know what to say" I said standing up straight. She bit her bottom lip "Say you love me too." She said with pleading eyes.

"I- I can't." I muttered. I could practically see her heart breaking. "You don't love me. God I'm so stupid." She said in a anxious voice.

"No no. I do. I do love you." I'm just not in love with you.

She looked back to me "You love me?"

I nodded "I mean- yeah in a way." I said shrugging slightly.

"I knew you loved me." She said jumping into my arms, clinging her arms around my neck.

Is this what teachers mean when they say "you're only digging a deeper whole for yourself to get out of later." Yeah I'm kinda feeling that quote a little too hard right now.

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