Chapter 32

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Lisa's POV

I huffed out a breath feeling very irritated, hearing my phone ring for the fourth time. I can never just sleep. Like why does everyone feel the need to call me while I'm sleep. I just don't understand.

BangChan wants to hang out when I'm sleep. Jisoo wants to call me and rant about how much she likes Jennie while I'm sleep. Nayeon always comes over while I'm sleep. Why can't y'all just let me rest in peace. Damn!

I picked up the phone and answered it "What!"

I heard a line of giggles before the person spoke "Awww is somebody gwumpy?"

My brows furrowed hearing the person I think it is but not completely sure if it is. I pulled the phone back from my ear and looked at the contact name.

"Rosie why are you calling?"

"Cuz I need you to come pick me upers." I frowned and sat up "Are you drunk?"

"Noooo," she giggled "Are you drunk?" I sighed "Rosie call BangChan to come pick you up."

"No!" She said like a stubborn child "I want you to pick me up." She slurred.


"Fine. Where are you?"

"Ummm some party. I dunno."

I rubbed my temple feeling a headache coming on "Rosie just tell me where you are. Or a name. Something.

"Ummm here talk to my new friend," "What? Rosie? Hello...Rosie!"

"Wassup whose This?"

I rolled my eyes "Who the fuck are you?"

He laughed "Johnny"

"The football player?"

"Yup das me."

Johnny the asshole fuck boy football player to be exact.

"Where is this party?"

"Chris's place."

With that I hung up. Chris is some spoiled white kid who plans parties every other weekend. I've gone to like two of his parties.

I got up and slid on a pair of sweats and a black shirt over my sports bra. I grabbed my keys and phone and snuck out the house. Considering it's in the middle of the night.


I walked into the house seeing people everywhere. Red and blue solo cups either in everyone's hand or on the floor. People dancing or practically fucking in corners. I shook my head seeing a few guys drawing on some boy passes out on the couch.

I just need to find Roseanne and get the fuck outta here. I walked through the crowd of people trying not to bump into anyone. I walked inside the kitchen where the alcohol and juice was laid out in the counter.

I looked around the small groups of people not seeing her. I sighed, where could she be?

"Dude you know that one religious chick?"

I immediately tuned into the conversation happening behind me.

"The prude or the hot one?"

"The hot one."

"Yeah What about her?"

"She's here dude and she is fucking wasted. She's upstairs with Johnny right now playing suck and blow. Johnny said he's gonna plow her." The guy said laughing.

Plow? Are you fucking kidding me?! I rolled my eyes and quickly made my way upstairs to Chris's second living room.

I pushed past a few people and stopped seeing a circle of teenager passing a card around with their mouths, and guess whose in it?

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