Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, practically screaming in my face. I groaned and reached over to grab my phone only to fall of the bed.

"Damn it" I mumbled with my eyes closed. I stayed on the floor and reached up to the night stand feeling around for the loud ass phone. When I finally felt it I tugged it out the charger and answered the phone not looking at the caller ID.

"Yes" I said

"Hey! Did I wake you?" I heard the cheerful girl on the other end say.

"Jennie?" I said peeking my eye open to the look at the ID confirming that I am in deed talking to Jennie.

"Yeah it's me. I just wanted to call and ask if you wanted to hang out today?" She asked

Feeling a little more awake, I sat up scratching my head a little. "I uh... I have to do something today. What if we hang tonight?" I asked

"No. I'm busy tonight. Why can't you hang now?" She asked.

Shit. Welp here goes nothing.

"I have to go help Rosie with some-" "Rosie? Help her with what?" She asked anxiously. "I have to help her at the church with this group of kids. It's really nothing but I promised I would be there."

Silence sat at the end of the call. For a second I had thought she hung up until I heard her sigh.

"Well can't you just go another time? I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Fuck. How do I tell her no.

"I don't know Jen.... we can just hang out another day." I said scratching the end of my eyebrow.

She let out a long sigh before saying "Fine. Whatever, I'll just see you at school." She said in a bored tone.

Shit. Now she's mad.

"Wait! I-I guess I could cancel this once."

I pulled the phone away from my ear scrunching my face up as she squealed loudly on the other end. "Really?" She said.

"Yeah, let me just get ready and I'll come pick you up." I said trying to sound happy. I stood up and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Kk. See ya in a bit Lisa." She said then hung up.

I dropped my phone next to me and groaned falling back on my bed.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I said through gritted teeth thrashing around on my bed then stopped and closed my eyes.

What am I gonna say to Roseanne.

Oh sorry I can't make it today because I didn't want to make the girl that doesn't like you, that I'm also sort of dating mad. You get it right?

Definitely not that.

I sat up and grabbed my phone. I went to Rosie's contact debating whether to call her or not. My thumb hovered over the call button. I shook my head and clicked the text button switching me over to iMessage.

Lisa: Hey Rosie I can't make it today. I'm really sorry.

I hesitantly clicked the send button. Why the hell am I so nervous.

Maybe because you don't want her to be mad at you.

A voice in my head said.

But I can't piss off one girl without making the other mad.

Why why why is this my life right now.

My phone started ringing in my hand. Looking down I groaned and slid my hand down my face slowly. It's too early for this shit. I answered the phone.

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