Chapter 43

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Lisa's POV



I looked around the diner as I scratched the back of my neck.
This is so fucking awkward. Skyler just flew back to New York today and he suggested we get lunch..... so here we are.

It's weird because you know before he was my uncle and now well he's my dad. Shit's still kind of trippy. I do have some questions for him though.

"When did you..." "Why did.." we started at the same time.

He chuckled "Go ahead"

"Why did you leave me with Chitthip? Is it true what she said? Did you not want me?" I asked.

His face fell for a moment. He sighed "Of course I wanted

"Then what happened?"

"You have to understand that I didn't even know you existed until you were left on my doorstep with a note." I frowned.
'Wow, sounds like I have an outstanding mother'.

"And at the time I was about to leave for my job which is to travel around the word to foreign countries and teaching
English. So I couldn't-" He sighed "I couldn't take care of you and Chitthip had just had a son. I know it was selfish but I was young and I thought maybe she could handle another kid." He said shrugging.

"Okay. But why didn't you come back for me?" I asked.

"Because when I came to check in you.... you were good. You were happy and you had a family. You had a brother. It felt wrong to rip you away from your brother and to you, your mother."

I rolled my eyes "I'm glad I didn't come out of that bitch." I mumbled. He frowned "Hey hey that's still my sister."

I shrunk in my seat "Sorry" I mumbled. "When did you learn to speak like this anyways?"

I shrugged "I dunno. I just always did. No one ever told me not to. So it became a habit." I said simply. He hummed
"May I ask you a question?"

I nodded "Shoot"

"When did you- you know- start liking girls?"
I tried not to but couldn't help but to burst into laughter. His face turned a deep red "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you-" "Skyler it's cool." I said as my laughter started to falter.

"I have never liked boys. Ever. Even in kindergarten I was making little love notes to girls." I said smiling. He shook his head chuckling "Never huh?"

"Nope. I've been a Casanova since day one." I said smirking.
He laughed heartily "A Casanova? That's the first. I can't believe my child is a player." "Whoa! Player? I like to call myself an opportunist of love. I'm not a player I just crush a lot."

He rolled his eyes "Yeah okay." He said shaking his head then out of nowhere he started crying. I frowned "I Umm Im sorry." I said not knowing what do about the grown man crying in front of me.

"No... it- it isn't your fault. I just - I've missed all the milestone of your life." He said through his tears.

I don't know what to say. What do I do.

I stood up and walked around to his side, sliding into the booth. I rubbed his back softly and just stayed quiet until he stopped.

The waitress came and sat our food on the table and then nodded at me before walking away.

He sniffles and wiped his face "I'm fine Lisa let's eat. Food always makes me feel better." He said.

I smiled "Oh dip! Me too!" I said going back to my side.

"So are you dating anyone right now?" He asked as he started eating his burger.

I felt my cheeks burn as Roseanne instantly crossed my mind. "I-No" I said then stuffed my face with fries.

He laughed "Oh come on Lisa. There's gotta be somebody to make you're face glow like that."

My cheeks burned hotter as I shrunk in my seat. I swallowed my food "There is this girl..." I started

He smiled widely "Tell me all about it her!"

"You actually met her. The blonde from Thanksgiving. She was sitting next to me.

He paused for a moment thinking before realization struck
"The pastor's daughter?"

I nodded. He hummed "You sure that's gonna work out?" He asked with a brow raised.

"It hasn't but we're just now getting on good terms. A lot of shit- sorry- stuff had went down since I came. We've both hurt people but things are getting better."

He hummed again. Why is he humming so damn much.

He shrugged "Nothing" he mumbled as he took a bite of his burger.

I narrowed my eyes at the man. "No you have something to say. I can tell. So what is it?"

He swallowed his food before speaking. "Is this relationship going to end well? I don't want you to get hurt." He said. I shrugged "It could or it could not. Honestly It's kind of weird between us. We go on dates right. But we don't kiss, but we hold hands, hug, and we flirt all the time. It's weird." I said shrugging.

"Just be careful. I don't wanna see you out here with a broken heart on my last few months." He said chuckling.

"Wow death jokes already?" I said chuckling softly.
He shrugged "Gotta have something to keep me going.
Besides you and Eunwoo." I gave him a small smile and he returned it before speaking again.

"So tell me about your childhood. All the phases and milestones.

I laughed "Oh man.... where do I begin."

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