Chapter 29

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Jisoo's POV

I took a deep breathe as I rang Jennie's doorbell. My palms sweaty and my heart racing as I waited for her to open the-

"Hi" she said looking at me with those bright eyes. My eyes respectfully glanced over her body. She's wearing an oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts. I stopped myself from looking over her legs and looked back up to her eyes.

"H-hi. I umm I got you these. I didn't wanna be cliche but I didn't know what kind of flowers you like so I just got roses. Do you l-like roses?" She chuckled and pulled me in her house "Yeah I like roses."

Thank you." She said as she softly took them from my hand, brushing fingers with mines.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked

She just grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway to her room, closing the door behind us.

"Do you wanna listen to music?" She asked. I nodded and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.

She turned on her radio and turned it down low. She sat in front of the side of her bed on her furry rug. She patted the spot next to her. I sat down next to her.

"I wanna talk to you. Get to know you so tell me about yourself."

I shrugged "There's nothing to know really. I live with my parents but as soon as I graduate I'm getting out of this town.

I am grateful to have both of my parents in my life though. I have a baby sister, she's almost 1. She's just the cutest, she has the fattest squishy cheeks." I said smiling thinking about my little sister.

I looked over at Jennie and pushed her hair behind her ear

"Why'd you straighten your hair? I liked it wavy I mean it doesn't matter what I think either way it goes, your still beautiful."

She blushed and smiled reverting her eyes to the floor. "I just needed a change. I don't know. I miss my curly hair too though." She said running her fingers through her hair. "So tell me about yourself." I said nudging her a little.

"Well I live here with my mom, my dad is soldier in the Army. I miss him so much." She said sadly. I want to hug her but.... I don't wanna touch her the wrong way or make her feel uncomfortable.

"My brother passed away a few years back." She said as tears welled up in her eyes. I furrowed my brows and wiped her tear streaking down her cheek. "I'm sorry to hear that." I said keeping my hand in her cheek. She smiled sadly and out her hand over my cheek.

"Why are you so sweet?"

I chuckled "What do you mean?"

"You just.... you care. And you show it." She said sniffling as stared into my brown eyes.

"Because I do. I care about you so much." She smiled and pulled my hand from her cheek, keeping it in hers. "You don't even know me. How can you care so much?"

I shrugged "I don't need to know you to know that you deserve the world." She froze and I could see her cheeks turning red as she nibbles on her bottom lip.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said pulling my hand from her looking forward.

"No.... y-you didn't."

I looked over at her "I didn't?" She shook her head "No. You could never make me uncomfortable." She said as she slid her hand in my palm, lacing our fingers together.

This time I blushed feeling her small soft hand on mines. "So is your mom home with you often?"

She shook her head no. "It's usually just me. Always me and this house." I frowned and she noticed "It's okay though. I know she has a busy schedule and she has to keep a job so she can pay the bills. She tries to spend as much time with me as possible when she does have free time.

"Well if you want I can keep you company." I said mindlessly

"I-I mean... only if you want. I wouldn't want to impose-" "Jisoo."

"Huh" "I would love for you to keep me company." I smiled and squeezes her hand.

Her head snapped up and she smiled "I love this song." She said getting up and turning up her radio. I immediately recognized the song, A house is not a home by Luther Vandross.

She walked over to me and held out her hands "Dance with me?"

I gulped "Me? R-right now?"

She rolled her eyes smiling "Yes you. Come here" she said pulling me off the floor.

She put my hands on her hips and put hers around my neck.

She chuckled as I kept her arms length. "You're so silly." She said reaching down, grasping my waist. My heart started to race as she pulled my body into hers.

"There" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck again then leaned her head on my shoulder as we swayed from side to side slowly listening to the song. "My dad used to play this every morning and dance with my mom in the kitchen." She said softly. I hummed in response.

I put my nose in the crook of her neck, smelling her soft skin, god she smells so good. Like a fucking dream. I can't even describe it.

"Are you nervous?"

What gave it away?


She giggled "Your heart is beating so fast."

Oh really I didn't notice.

I chuckled nervously "You have that affect on me." She leaned back looking at me.

"Have you ever been with another girl?" "No." I answered staring into her pretty brown eyes.

She smiled "Good" she said then pulled my nape to her kissing me softly. My eyes fluttered closed as I slowly moved my lips against her lips. My arms tightened around her waist as she tilted her head depending the kiss.

She hummed against my lips before slowly pulling back. I kept my eyes closed feeling my lips tingle from the kiss. I opened my eyes slowly meeting her bright ones.

She smiled softly as she bit her bottom lip "You make me nervous too" she whispered then wrapped her arms around me and continued the dance with me.

A grin spread across my lips, I turned my head a kissed her temple softly.

She's mines and I will never hurt her. Ever.

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