Chapter 39

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Jisoo's POV

I smiled and stopped her in her place. I walked around Jennie and stood in front of her. "You ready?" I asked.

"Yes yes yes! What's this mystery place and....why is it outside?"

"You'll see in 3...2...1" I pulled up her blindfold and raised my brows smiling widely "It's a skating rink!" I said excitingly.
She just stared at it with a blank expression. "Come on say something"

"I- I don't know what to say."

I frowned and dropped my arms by my sides "You hate it.
Damn it! I should've just taken you out to eat or something.
Let's just go." I said turning to walk away but she pulled me back.

She smiled at me softly "I don't hate it-" "Yes you do. I can see it on your face." I said disappointingly. She cupped my cheeks with her soft hands and stepped closer to me. "I don't hate it. I just don't know how to ice skate and I don't wanna embarrass myself in front to you." She said.

"Oh" I mumbled. Her smile grew wider "You are so cute"
She said then leaned in a kissed my cheek causing my cheeks to heat up. "Let's go have some fun!" She said pulling me to into the park.

I helped her with tie her skates before I tied mines. After I was finished I looked over at her and smiled "Ready?"

She sighed and looked towards the rink "Yeah," She looked over at me "Promise you won't laugh"

I shrugged "Can't promise you that one Lace." I said chuckling. She rolled her eyes and stood up "Fine but if you laugh you owe me food."

I stood up and grabbed her hand "I was gonna get you food anyways." I said.

We walked to the rink like penguins from the skates. "I'll step on first and then help you." She nodded and held on to the edge of the rink. I stepped onto the ice and pushed myself onto the ice. I glided across the ice and smiled. Still got it.

I turned around and glided back to her with a smile. "Okay take my hand." I said holding out my hands for her. She took a deep breathes as she put her hands in mines. I softly pulled her onto the ice and she instantly fell, grabbing my shoulders with a strong grip.

"It's okay I got you just stand up."

"I I can't I'll fall!" She said nervously.

"Jennie look at me." She looked at me, worry mixed in her blue eyes. "I got you, just trust me." I said in a comforting tone. She nodded and stood up gripping my shoulders harder. "Okay now just glide on the ice a little." I instructed.

She shook her head quickly "I- I can't do that." I smirked and started skating backwards "Jennie come back." I said as her hands started to gt out of reach. She pouted and reached for me trying to grab me "Jisoo please!"

"Come to me then." I said. She looked down at the ice then back to me "I'm going to kill you!" You she said then pushed one of her feet back causing her to slide a little, she quickly tried to balance herself as she slid into me. I caught her by her hips "See! Wasn't too hard right?"

She rolled her eyes "I could've fell" she mumbled. "But you didn't. Now come on we still have the whole rink."

She looked up and looked around the huge rink and groaned
"Can we just skip to the part where you buy me food or I buy you food?" She asked. I laughed "Nope come on"

"I wasn't kidding." She said as as grabbed her hand skating slowly next to her.


After the first time around the rink she stopped falling, I tried not to laugh at her when she did but I couldn't help it sometimes. She still held my hand really tight but I didn't mind, I like holding her hand.

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